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About Christian1412

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  1. Christian1412

    How do I fix ORBAT?

    1.Are you using the ORBAT Group Module? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_ORBAT_Viewer https://community.bistudio.com/wikidata/images/thumb/5/52/A3_ORBATGroup_Module.jpg/400px-A3_ORBATGroup_Module.jpg => You place the ORBAT Group Module on the Map and fill in the CfgORBAT Path and CfgORBAT Celling //PATH missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "2ndDivision" >> "1stSquad" //Ceiling missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "2ndDivision" 2. You have 1 bracket to much. If you want that the 1stSquad is under the 2ndDivision, it should look like this (without the closed-bracket before Class 1stSquad) class CfgORBAT { class 2ndDivision { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Baller"; commanderRank = "Major"; text = "%1 %2 %3"; textShort = "%1 %3"; color[] = {0,0,1,1}; assets[] = {{"B_MRAP_01_F", 1},{"B_Plane_Fighter_01_F",2}}; class 1stSquad { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Caos"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "%1 %2 %3"; textShort = "%1 %3"; color[] = {0,0,1,1}; assets[] = {{"B_MRAP_01_F", 1},{"B_Plane_Fighter_01_F",2}}; }; }; }; PS: Classnames in Assets are shown as a silhouette/picture in the ORBAT, but that only works for Vehicles. B_officer_F has not silhouette/picture for the ORBAT. (+you were also missing brackets there) I have added two Vehicles that you can see how it looks when it works.
  2. My Group play often Missions with CQB-Parts, where we can be revived with the ACE3 system. (dedicated Server) The Problem is when sombody gets hit and becomes unconscious, he blocks the way for everybody who come after him. It is really annoying for us that you can´t "step" or "jump" over the unconscious player. Extremly in doorways or hallways were only one person fits. So I like to ask is it possible to disable the collision between Players temporarily, so that you can walk though unconscious players? My thoughts (never tried, looking for ideas) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/hideObjectGlobal hideObject/hideObjectGlobal => no collision but we will never find the player again and can´t heal him https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSimulationGlobal enableSimulationGlobal => For what I know Objects with disable Simlation still have collision with players https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_attachToRelative attachTo /BIS_fnc_attachToRelative => Could that work? form my experience sometimes attach objects have collision and sometimes they don´t (I don´t know the rules behind that) I am open for ideas, how to start (or if there are scripts and mods that already solve that problem)
  3. Christian1412

    Script Ideas

    If you still looking for ideas, I would like a script that help to transfer the gear of all players from one mission.sqm to another. That would help to play longer campaigns or change the map during missions with the gear being roughly the same. Maybe that the script creates a profile in the virtual arsenal and loads it on demand? (I don´t know if it´s possible this way)