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Posts posted by Bingo-66d21d294c551e45

  1. On 1/19/2023 at 1:40 AM, PROF EAT A ROLL said:


    Yesterday i've tried for the 1st time to host a game.
    Tried UPNP option and it worked fine, but i prefer to
    forward the ports in my router as i can allow or deny
    through my ESET firewall.
    Which firewall you are using ?

    Thank you.

    I'm just using windows 10 firewall protection

  2. I just recently re-installed arma 3 and my friends can no longer see my servers. We host over a local network adapter and it has worked 100% of the time apart from now. I'm lead to believe that the reinstall has broke something. I had to transferee my profile files to my new drive and it seems to be working but I can't help but feel the profile may be the issue. Additionally I must give the profile folder location on start up in Parameters. Any help is appreciated. 

  3. I've been having some serious issues with TFAR. My last resort is coming here, I've tried forms but no one seems to know. I'm hosting arma 3 games over a local network. Me and a mate are trying to use TFAR and it just wont work. We have the plugin, we have the teamspeak server, we have the mod on, we have the plugins. Everything is working but the voices just aren't coming from the players in game.  It also only works in fucking helicopters. This is driving me up the wall. Any help is appreciated.

  4. On 11/23/2022 at 7:00 AM, pierremgi said:

    selectRandom _zones should return an element (a unit), then you can damage it.

    so, in your code, _zones setDamage 1 has not sense. You can't inflict damages on array, only element(s) of its.

    Follow the syntax of deleteAt (example 1)

    private _zones = [B1, B2, B3, B4];  // array of units I guess
    private _chosenUnit = _zones deleteAt floor random count _zones;
    _chosenUnit setDamage 1;

    NB: now _zones  is equal to former _zones less the _chosenUnit


    in a loop:

    private _zones = [B1, B2, B3, B4];
    private "_chosenUnit";
    for "_i" from 0 to count _zones -1 do {
      _chosenUnit = _zones deleteAt floor random count _zones;
      _chosenUnit setDamage 1;

    Of course it's just an example, pointing at the array resizing, then the randomization excluding already chosen elements.





    I don't know how you do it mate. Absolute legend. Worked like a charm

  5. 36 minutes ago, Harzach said:

    As I understand it, acre_api_fnc_babelSetupMission is a sort of "quick-start" function that is used when you just want each side to have its own language with no other complexity.


    acre_api_fnc_babelAddLanguageTypeacre_api_fnc_babelSetSpokenLanguages, and acre_api_fnc_babelSetSpeakingLanguage are used when you want to set up more complex situations (like translators/spies, etc.)


    So it's either/or.


    That's what I have currently. I don't see what I'm doing wrong though.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Harzach said:


    We can't really help you until you give us more information.


    Let's start with:

    How are you defining these zones?
    What are they? (triggers, markers, etc.)


    Or, just share all of your code.

    There are 4 zones. Each with their own names. These zones are triggers. radzone1, radzone2, radzone3, radzone4. Once these zones are active they will start to hurt any player inside. I'm now trying to make the trigger's condition change from false to true via an SQF file. This file currently looks like this.

    private _triggerStatements = triggerStatements _theTrigger;
    _triggerStatements set [0, "true"];
    _theTrigger setTriggerStatements _triggerStatements;
    []execVM "RandomArray.sqf";

  7. 3 minutes ago, Harzach said:


    So, just a non-player unit hidden somewhere that has no purpose but to suddenly die?


    Why not simply select one of your zones at random?

    _zone = selectRandom [zone_1, zone_2, zone_3, zone_4];


    Right, I've done this, thank you. But i still don't understand how to activate the zone once one at random has been chosen.

  8. 3 minutes ago, sarogahtyp said:

    If u want to kill a random unit then u dont need a random number. You just have to select a random unit and then kill it.

    But u gave not much information. I could jusr throw some commands but i doubt this helps

    Right so, I'm making a battle royal, I've been for a while and I've just started again. I've got 4 zones. Each of them have a corresponding human somewhere hidden away from the player zone. Once say "Red" has died then the Red zone will be closed. Ik this is primitive but It's what I'm working with I guess.

  9. 6 minutes ago, stanhope said:

    If there's only 3 tasks that all need to be finished:

    this && ["AA"] call BIS_fnc_taskState == "SUCCEEDED" && ["BB"] call BIS_fnc_taskState == "SUCCEEDED" && ["CC"] call BIS_fnc_taskState == "SUCCEEDED"


    If there's more than 3 tasks of which minimum 3 need to be finished:

    this && ({[_x] call BIS_fnc_taskState == "SUCCEEDED"} count ["AA", "BB", "CC", "DD", "EE", ...]) > 2



    Works like a charm, Thank you so much mate 👍

  10. I'm having trouble with my mission, I've been trying to activate a trigger only after 3 tasks are finished, I am currently using this ( this && ["AA"] call BIS_fnc_taskState == "SUCCEEDED" ) But I can't figure out how to add more tasks to it. I am also trying to make a task show up after all 3 objectives are finished. Hope I can get some help on this 👍
