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About Agentmem623

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  1. Simple I and many others would like to wear the soviet gas mask (CCCP) and the american (Combat) gas masks with headgear. Reason other masks such as the, Spec ops gas mask, Splatter mask, tactical balaclava, biohazard gas mask, sentinel, Gas mask, and the Combat mask. WOW look at all those gas masks and masks that can be worn with headgear so please just let us wear the gas masks with headgear. Ps, I recommend you guys should do the scraped idea (Nato vs Warsaw pact) from season 4 warlords.
  2. Add a flamethrower thrower either a homemade or a military one. also add soviet helmets and outfits or american ones just gives us something actually from an armed force not mercenary or police give us an actual armed force like the USSR or america or even Germany just give us something. like the ssh-40 soviet helmet or an m2 american helmet. and let us wear the combat gas mask and cccp gas mask with helmets like you guys did with the tactical balaclava.
  3. Add NPCs and enemy NPCs to the game or animals when I play vigor there's nothing really to do yes the game is fun but the only new thing that comes to the game is cosmetics. when I'm in the encounters the only thing I have to worry about is players so the game kinda feels empty. also, you guys can add an NPC at the dock and maybe a defend your base kind of feature and a player hub too with traders and quests and such I think that'd be pretty cool. that's all I have to say have a good day.
  4. Agentmem623

    New weapon next season

    I think a good weapon to add to the game would be the FN-FAL reason it was used by nato forces at the time and the real nickname of it was the weapon was "the right arm of the free world" and it uses a round already in-game 7.62x51 nato so all you would have to do is make the model and reload animation and boom by the way it has a 20 round magazine but in reality, at the time it would have been quite easy to find an fn-fal version mind you there are a couple of copies of this gun there's a German, British, Canadian, and a couple more. but yeah that's it I have another page with more weapons and cosmetics click the link for more info about it
  5. So if I'm correct Vigor takes place in 1991 during the end of the cold war well a lot of weapons and gear/cosmetics you could add to the game which means more money form the people buying the crowns but if you want people to buy them u also need to make the equal for the amount of money they spend for the crowns but let me get back on topic the weapons and or gear/cosmetics are the c96 pistol and carbine, Winchester Model 1897, mp-40, kar98k, FG-42, stg-44, gewehr 43, le Enfield, Springfield, sten gun, and the B.A.R. then the cosmetics the m17 chemical gas mask, ssh-40 helmet, mp4 gas mask, and the m69 flak jacket. also, u could make your own weapons because some people will make their own weapons but basically get grab a bunch of stuff from world war 1 - the late cold war also the reason u could add American cosmetics is cause the us military was deployed to the borders just in case the USSR started to invade the other half of Europe. also, I think it would be cool if u added dessert maps because of dust storms caused by a nuclear war and that's it thanks for a great game.