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About Lukisparty

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  1. Lukisparty

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    yep , when you save the mission , in the right corner it appears : "Saving the game.....please wait" , then when you LOAD the mission it must to be appear something like it? or i must to restart the server to load it?
  2. Lukisparty

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    in Lythium it must to be ["Lythium"] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "core\fnc\db\load.sqf" ??? and like in save option it appears saving in load it must appear something like it? thanks
  3. Lukisparty

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    now with this option that you gave me ["continuada_aniversario"] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "core\fnc\db\save.sqf" it save the game PERFECT but now if i want to load the DEFAULT saves that it saved me before but i dont know the name of the file that it renamed to save it in default option , how can i know it? where its allocated?= thanks
  4. Lukisparty

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    and if i put ["continuada_aniversario"] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "core\fnc\db\load.sqf" for load the mission what i should do if i want to save a mission with one name? . this is my error RPT: 20:17:16 Error in expression <vehicles select { isNull isVehicleCargo _x && {isNull isVehicleCargo attachedTo > 20:17:16 Error position: <_x && {isNull isVehicleCargo attachedTo > 20:17:16 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x 20:17:16 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Lythium\core\fnc\db\save.sqf..., line 136 20:17:16 Error in expression <vate _data = []; _data pushBack (typeOf _x); _data pushBack (getPosASL _x); _dat> 20:17:16 Error position: <_x); _data pushBack (getPosASL _x); _dat> 20:17:16 Error isvehiclecargo: Undefined variable in expression: _x 20:17:16 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Lythium\core\fnc\db\save.sqf..., line 142
  5. Lukisparty

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    yep . when i try to save the mission , it say me : saving , wait please....... ok? and when i try to load with default saved options , where is allocated the folder where it have the mission saved? and when i try to load it , the markers in map doesnt appear and all its like i start the mission again without saves.
  6. Lukisparty

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    i have a BIG problem that maybe you can help me. Im triying to load a save mission. otherwise i dont know where it is saved ( i tried to load Server folder , btc_hc1 folder and continue.arma3profile , but i dont know what im doing wrong. I have that file ( continue.arma3profile and when i use this: ["continuada_aniversario"] call btc_fnc_db_load; it doesnt happened. I can see in RPT when i use save that i have an error in 142 line : 20:11:07 Error isvehiclecargo: Undefined variable in expression: _x 20:11:07 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Lythium\core\fnc\db\save.sqf..., line 142. thanks