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About Denis154965

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  1. Whenever im trying to start Terrain builder or Object builder, Bi tools crashes without any warning.
  2. Denis154965

    Object in area trigger

    @stanhope box="box"; balance = missionNamespace getVariable "USD"; if (balance < 200) then { ["Not enough money!"] remoteExec["systemChat"]; } else { box = "Land_PaperBox_01_small_closed_white_IDAP_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "marker_39", missionNamespace setVariable["USD", USD-200],["IDAP supplies -200$"] remoteExec["systemChat"]; }; is there any way to make it so i dont have to make a spawn trigger for every box(tag)?
  3. Hi, i`ve got a script that spawns a crate and i want that when the crate enters area (village etc.) it exec a script. I need it to be repeatable. I found some scripts like //trigger conn [box in thisList];; //on active [] execVM "myscript.sqf"; but i cant have multiple boxes called "box".