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Everything posted by carsey90

  1. carsey90


    Yeah, would be a good shout, or set as favourite weapon(s)
  2. How long is the timer on it before the mortars arrive?
  3. carsey90

    Season 7 first impressions

    Absolutely ruined it with this new season. In a lobby with 500% loot the other day, and still picking up 2 glass from a whole town, with no other loot. Sometimes there is less loot than pre-update. Not entirely sure on the whole 1 lootable area listed on the map, locked container, safe, timed safe etc as just means people camp around the area and just get killed soon as you try and access them. It would be much better to have all of them back in, but UNLISTED on the map, so people had to run around and try to find them rather than sitting camping and picking people off when they access the command to unlock any of them. Of course, this would have to be made completely random so more than the usual buildings/locations where the main loot is normally pre-update. At the minute, the most fun is doing the phone duels or running round looking for people to try and kill, the whole loot aspect of the game is completely near enough gone. So very quickly becoming boring to play the game now