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About jeff246810

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  1. jeff246810

    What to do about cheaters

    wolny slimak, there isnt one in game, but as i said in my original post i have 2 clips of the guy killing me as well as my squad. go look at my profile if youd like to see them on xbox
  2. jeff246810

    What to do about cheaters

    My GT is SSR BENDER if anyone wants to look my profile up and see the clips.
  3. I was playing vigor and went into an encounter, me and my squad were pretty confident in ourselves so we spent 120 crowns on more loot. We roll up on barred house as a trio we were facing a duo. I killed the fist of the duo, and get killed from no where. as i spectate my squad mate they die as well, come to find the killer was invisible. We just couldn't see him, i recorded 2 videos of him clearly cheating, i sent an email to the bohemia support email with the clip. I'm not too confident they will do anything, is there anything else i can do to cleanse vigor of scum like this. his Gamer tag is S1L3NT x Royalz if anyone wants to report him mabye we can all report and get him outa here.