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About Nilia

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  1. Thank you very much! You lead me to a working solution 😄 For the Init i have: 0 = this spawn { if !(hasInterface) exitWith{}; waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46}; if !(local _this) exitWith{}; _this call Nilia_fnc_Zeus; //Whitelist Script _this call Nilia_fnc_Loadout_Tropen_KpFhr; //Loadout }; this setVariable ["f_languages",["en","gr","ru","ar"]]; My Whitelist Script looks like this: if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; private _unit = player; if (! (local _unit)) exitWith {}; private _uid = getPlayerUID _unit; private _WL = [ "ID1", /* Player 1 */ "ID2" /* Player 2 */ ]; if (!(_uid in _WL)) then { titleText["This Slot requires you to be Whitelisted.","BLACK",8]; sleep 8; endMission "END1"; } else { systemChat "You are Whitelisted!"; };
  2. Hi, I'm currently trying to write a script, which allows me to whitelist various Slots across Missions (Mainly Zeus), without using CBA or a Database (since I have no clue how to use them). Ideally I want to be able to call my corresponding function, e.g. Nilia_fnc_Zeus in the corresponding unit's init. I tried a lot, but every time I get the function working on my Local Multiplayer, it does not work on my dedicated Server. I am able to call my function (in local MP) via onPreloadstarted '[this] call Nilia_fnc_Zeus'; in the Unit's init. My Function I tested last looks like this: if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; waitUntil {alive player}; params ["_unit"]; if (! (local _unit)) exitWith {}; private _uid = getPlayerUID player; private _WL = [ "ID 1", "ID 2" ]; if (!(_uid in _WL)) then { titleText["This Slot requires you to be Whitelisted","BLACK",8]; endMission "END1"; } else { systemChat "You are Whitelisted!"; }; Thank you very much for your help!
  3. Hi, sorry for my late Reply. I finally got back to ArmA 3 and was able to Test your Solution. Thank you very much for your help, the Arsenal now behaves as i would expect it to 😄
  4. Hi, I'm kinda experienced already with modding of Items, Uniforms and stuff, but I never had to make any functions in ArmA, and I am only beginning to understand it. I was trying to add a Whitelisted ACE Arsenal to an Ammobox via Function: So far I have this: The Structure is (currently) simple: Addons\Arsenal\ The config just utilizes #includes. cfgPatches.hpp: class cfgPatches { class Nilia_Server_Functions { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0; requiredAddons[]={}; version="1.0"; versionStr="1.0"; versionAr[]={1,0,0}; author[]= { "Nilia" }; authorUrl=""; magazines[]={}; ammo[]={}; }; }; cfgFunctions.hpp class CfgFunctions { class Nilia_Server_Functions { class Nilia_Server_Functions { file="\Arsenal\functions"; class Nilia_Arsenal { preInit=1; }; }; }; }; In the functions folder: fn_Nilia.Arsenal.sqf if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private _Unit = this; if (!alive _Unit) exitWith { hint "Arsenal could not be Loaded" }; hint "Arsenal was loaded"; [_Unit, ["Item1","Item2","Item3" ] ] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox; If I call this function in the init field of an Ammobox (in the 3den Editor) call fn_Nilia_Arsenal; The Mission is Loading as it is supposed to be, the hint "Arsenal was Loaded", but the Arsenal is not added to the Ammobox. (The item1,2,3 are just placeholders for a bunch of Items, the array is confirmed working, when I replace "_Unit" with "Arsenal" and exectVM the Arsenal.sqf in the init field (and name the Ammobox "Arsenal") it is loading properly.) With this function, I want to achieve to load our restricted Arsenal on my Unit's Server in multiple Missions, without having to update every Mission (instead only the Addon), when I add any Items. This Addon is supposed to be running Server Side. Thank you very much for your Help :D
  5. Hi, i want to create a trigger, thats activates once a Signalflare Mine (RHS) was activated (detonated) to detonate two APERS Mine Dispensers. thank you in advance