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Captain Horny

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Everything posted by Captain Horny

  1. Captain Horny

    ConfigFile Navigation

    Thank you very much indeed @beno_83au and @pierremgi. That is exactly what I am trying to achieve, to make it work as a call to BIS_fnc_spawnGroup.
  2. Good afternoon, I am trying to find information regarding the automatic navigation of the config file. So far I have been doing it 'by hand' by specifying the values in a list of Strings, for example: STWG_PossibleEASTGroups=[ [configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "rhs_faction_vdv" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_mi24" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_mi24_squad_mg_sniper",0], [configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "rhs_faction_vdv" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_mi8" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_mi8_squad",0], ... "C_Heli_Light_01_civil_F", "C_IDAP_Heli_Transport_02_F", ... ]; These values are taken from the editor and pasted into the list. I am wondering if it were possible to navigate the config file and obtain those values directly from the script. Thanks in advance.
  3. Captain Horny

    ConfigFile Navigation

    Any code example that put me on the right way? The documentation is pretty complex. I wish I knew how to get all the possible groups of a given side of the mods installed. In this case it is RHS, but I would be great if CUPS was detected and the strings indicating the path for its groups were generated by code.
  4. Captain Horny

    ConfigFile Navigation

    Thank you.