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Captain Horny

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About Captain Horny

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  1. Captain Horny

    ConfigFile Navigation

    Thank you very much indeed @beno_83au and @pierremgi. That is exactly what I am trying to achieve, to make it work as a call to BIS_fnc_spawnGroup.
  2. Captain Horny

    ConfigFile Navigation

    Any code example that put me on the right way? The documentation is pretty complex. I wish I knew how to get all the possible groups of a given side of the mods installed. In this case it is RHS, but I would be great if CUPS was detected and the strings indicating the path for its groups were generated by code.
  3. Captain Horny

    ConfigFile Navigation

    Thank you.
  4. Good afternoon, I am trying to find information regarding the automatic navigation of the config file. So far I have been doing it 'by hand' by specifying the values in a list of Strings, for example: STWG_PossibleEASTGroups=[ [configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "rhs_faction_vdv" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_mi24" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_mi24_squad_mg_sniper",0], [configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "rhs_faction_vdv" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_mi8" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_mi8_squad",0], ... "C_Heli_Light_01_civil_F", "C_IDAP_Heli_Transport_02_F", ... ]; These values are taken from the editor and pasted into the list. I am wondering if it were possible to navigate the config file and obtain those values directly from the script. Thanks in advance.