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Posts posted by flyingsaucerinvasion

  1. 7 hours ago, hcpookie said:

    That looks really low-res to me.  Why dont' you try turning up your detail settings in the graphics first.

    It's not low res.  it's 1920x1080.  The picture is just blown up so you can see what I'm talking about.  I'm standing only a short distance from the vehicle. Anyway, even if it were low res, it wouldn't change the fact the fender is missing. 

  2. On 5/3/2022 at 2:54 AM, Alwarren said:

    Just tried it, no such problem here. Works as intended.


    Are you loading any other addons except CUP? If so, please try without. If the problem persists, make a bug report on our tracker and include detailed steps to reproduce the problem.

    Thank you.

    The only mods I have installed except for CUP are some terrains, jsrs, and one tiny mod I made which changes some values in cfgAiSkills.  Increasing "aimingspeed" to values > 1 in cfgaiskills could be the culprit for oscillating turrets.  However, I still see bradleys driving like drunks, I think when they've got dismounted infantry in their squad. 


    As long as I'm here, I'll point out that the LOD scaling for some vests is very poor quality:



    Some vests disappear entirely at distances around ~30 meters

  3. On 1/6/2022 at 6:47 PM, dalber24 said:

    if you want sounds at different distances you have to make a script.

    What kind of script will allow different sounds for explosions at different distances?



    A question, why do you want to make a sound mod? you just want to create your mod or don't you know that there are already sound mods?

    Becuase I've checked out those mods, and they really suck!  JSRS sounds like poop.

  4. At distances past 100m Ai automatic rate of fire is throttled. 


    It appears to be capped at between 1shot every 0.19 to 0.23 seconds.  Gun's real fire rate should be around 0.08. 


    Not only is the fire rate really low, but it is inconsistent.  Additionally, the first 2 shots appear to be fired at the correct (faster) rate of fire, which makes the gun sounds even more disjointed.


    The effect of all this is, not only does this sound like shit, but it really breaks immersion.


    Is there anyway to force the AI to fire at the rate of fire indicated in the weapon's configuration? 


    Note:  It is not just a problem with the sound, the gun is triggering fire events at a throttled rate.


    Picture of waveform partially illustrating the problem:




  5. How can I find the game's default cfgWeapons, so that I can see complete entries and begin to understand what things mean?


    In particular I want to change weapon dispersion and recoil. 


    While looking at mods that do similar things, I cannot discern what the following entries mean, or why different weapons have different entries:


    class Single : Mode_SemiAuto
    class Burst : Mode_Burst
    class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto
    class Single : Single
    class Burst : Burst
    class FullAuto : FullAuto
    class manual : Mode_FullAuto
    class manual : manual
    class LowROF : Mode_FullAuto
    class HighROF : LowROF
    class close : manual
    class short : close
    class medium : close
    class far : close
    class short : short
    class medium : medium
    class far : far
    class manual : MGun


    What is the exact difference between these?


  6. In a script, when creating an artillery module, do you need to create a new group for every artillery module?  Or can they all belong to the same group?


    How do you remove an artillery module?  deleteVehicle? 


    Is there a way to get the unit that an artillery module is synchronized to?




    One unrelated question.  Are arrays automatically removed from memory when no references to them remain?


