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Everything posted by DonSucio

  1. Didn't know about that, I suppose it didn't work. The only thing I modified is the one I mentioned, did not modify anything else.
  2. Yes sir, I'm not sure if I can but I'll link a video to a mission I just finished with my unit using it in a MP Dedicated Server 🙂 Video: (it's supossed to start at the exact time they are used, but just in case minute 56:22)
  3. Go inside the JBOY folder and then mace folder, inside look for the maceTrapCreate.sqf file. Inside you have to modify 2 lines, 26 and 38, both of them have "setObjectTexture" on them, you just have to append "Global" to those lines, so it will look like "setObjectTextureGlobal". Im going to copy paste both those lines just in case I didn't explain my self properly. They have to look like this when modified: 26 -> _topOfRope setObjectTextureGlobal [0,'vn\characters_f_vietnam\opfor\uniforms\data\vn_o_nva_army_bdu_shirt_03_co.paa']; 38-> _maceSphere setObjectTextureGlobal [0,'vn\characters_f_vietnam\opfor\uniforms\data\vn_o_nva_army_bdu_shirt_03_co.paa'];