I play on switch for several days and unfortunately don't see any reasons to spend time and money for this game in such state.
1.Playing with xbox players. It's totally unfair, i always matchmake with xbox players and all gameplay is to loot everything from nearest houses and try to escape. If some xbox player see you , you will be dead.
2. Poor optimization. Because everything in blur and you have bad visibility its hard to see enemy. Also i always have some lags that destroy experience from game.
3. Internet connection. I don't know why , but in this game i always have bad connection and lags. I was traying to use several hotspots but result the same. I dont have such problem with any other games, only with Vigor.
4. White screen. The game very often crash with the white screen, only restart of console helps.
I bought armor pack and battle pass, but dont know what to do with it, because play with pleasure is impossible.
P.S. Sorry for my english, its not my native lenguege.