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  1. Update: Updated the server ExtDB to version 3 to see what happens. Still the same problem but a other error is now shown. Below the RPT error: 2020/07/13, 4:03:22 "ExileServer - Installed extDB3 version: 1.031" 2020/07/13, 4:03:22 "ExileServer - MySQL connection error!" 2020/07/13, 4:03:22 "ExileServer - HELP IM A DUMBASS!!" 2020/07/13, 4:03:22 "ExileServer - Make sure [Database] in the extdb3-conf.ini is set to [exile] unless you have a different database setup!!!!!" 2020/07/13, 4:03:22 "ExileServer - Please have a look at @extDB3/logs/ to find out what went wrong." 2020/07/13, 4:03:22 "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Could not add database: [0,""Error Invalid Format""]" 2020/07/13, 4:03:22 "ExileServer - Server will shutdown now :(" Next I checked the ExtDB3 Log files as below: [00:04:34:289910 +02:00] [Thread 5380] extDB3: Locked [00:04:38:423484 +02:00] [Thread 7816] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Input String deleteOldListings:15 [00:04:38:423481 +02:00] [Thread 7948] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Input String restrictOldListings:5 [00:04:38:424062 +02:00] [Thread 7948] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Callname restrictOldListings [00:04:38:424036 +02:00] [Thread 7816] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Callname deleteOldListings [00:04:38:423633 +02:00] [Thread 5380] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Input String getListings [00:04:38:424098 +02:00] [Thread 5380] extDB3: SQL_CUSTOM: Error No Custom Call Not Found: Callname getListings [04:03:22:231660 +02:00] [Thread 5380] extDB3: Error Invalid Format: 9:ADD_DATABASE:exile I hope someone has maybe some information about this problem because I am still stuck at this. Thanks in advance!
  2. Good day, I have a problem\question regarding hosting a specific arma 3 Exile server. I have 1 server running that I have been working on for a while and everything works fine so far. The only problem I now come across is that every time I use a restart timer from the Exile Mod that can be found in the "Config.cpp" I get an error and the server does not want to restart successfully. From the RPT I get the following errors: "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 70" "ExileServer - extDB2: Error extDB2 is already setup & locked !!!" "ExileServer - Check your server rpt for errors, your mission might be stuck a loop restarting" If I also test the command "#Restart" via the Rcon, the same error appears. As far as my knowledge is concerned I can trace the following back. This piece of code is sent from the file: ExileServer_system_database_connect.sqf This is under code in the PBO "exile_server". It contains the code below: format ["Installed extDB2 version:% 1", _result] call ExileServer_util_log; _result = call compile ("extDB2" callExtension "9: LOCK_STATUS") select 0; if (_result is EqualTo 1) then { _error_locked = true; throw "Error extDB2 is already setup & locked !!!"; So it seems during the reboot that the extDB2 remains locked for some reason. I have already checked many things in terms of settings and other things, but unfortunately I got a bit stuck on this problem. I hope perhaps someone has some advice and or tips to further investigate this problem. Of course I also have further details if necessary!