Hello folks
I'm running into an odd issue I first noticed while trying to skip time as zeus
13:20:59 Error in expression <cAttributeSkiptime_; _fnc_scriptName = 'RscAttributeSkiptime';#line 1 "A3\ui_f_c>
13:20:59 Error position: <RscAttributeSkiptime';#line 1 "A3\ui_f_c>
13:20:59 Error Missing ;
13:20:59 Error in expression <cAttributeSkiptime_; _fnc_scriptName = 'RscAttributeSkiptime';#line 1 "A3\ui_f_c>
13:20:59 Error position: <RscAttributeSkiptime';#line 1 "A3\ui_f_c>
13:20:59 Error Missing ;
I have a mission with a single player SL and a zeus module with #adminLogged as it's owner, I try to use the skipTime module and I see this error and I cannot figure out what I do to fix it, if anything...
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Not sure if related but using 3den enhanced and ZEN this issue seems to go away, maybe i got mixed up in what is default and what isn't?