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Everything posted by 1 R IRISH

  1. July 2020 - Update 1 1 R IRISH have now completed Operation TELUM. Highlight: On week 5, members of A COY assaulted an insurgent camp. The camp was being used as a staging point for enemy forces moving into the AO from the West. However, after a successful assault, the enemy in the AO had been dislodged. If you are interested in joining, then apply here: WEBSITE Members of ACOY mount up and prepare to move off to their dismount point. Sharpshooter on overwatch. A COY set off to assault the enemy encampment.
  2. _______________________ 1st BN ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT BRITISH MILSIM UNIT _______________________ EST 2020 ABOUT US The 1st Bn, Royal Irish Regiment is an Arma 3 unit that aims to create enjoyable yet realistic wargames in Arma 3, adapting real-life doctrine to tackle the challenges presented to use in-game. The group once known as '42CDO' now model themselves off the real-life ‘Light Mechanized’ Infantry Battalion in the 1st Bn, Royal Irish Regiment. We also include a number of technical roles as ‘attachments and detachments’, such as signals or engineers. The 1st Bn, Royal Irish Regiment will only allow applicants over the age of 16 as we consider this to be the level of maturity required in our missions. We understand that real life comes first and therefore runs a flexible attendance policy. Wargames and training nights are currently held every Sunday at 19:30 Local (UK) and do not exceed 3 hours in length. The unit prior to rerolling into the 1 R IRISH JOIN HERE Step 1 – Application The first step in joining the 1st Bn, Royal Irish Regiment is to make an application. This allows some basic information about you as an individual and your motivation for joining the group. It’s best to fill in the application as best you can as this will increase the chance of you being accepted into the unit. Your application will be assigned to one of our staff who will guide you through the joining process. Applications will typically take no more than a few days to be reviewed. If your initial application was successful you will receive a message from your assigned staff member on our forums, which will include a recruitment pack containing further information. Members of 1 R IRISH out on patrol Step 2 – Informal interview The next step in the recruitment process is an informal interview. This allows us to get to know you a little better. This also gives you the opportunity to learn more about the unit before committing to joining. On completion of a successful interview, you will be given the option to join the community, which if you choose to accept, will indicate the commencement of your membership. Once the application process has been conducted, you will participate in a phase one course which will be explained in your interview upon applying. Members of 1 R IRISH prepare to assault. ROLES Rifle Platoon - The heart of the unit is the rifle platoon. Our wargames are centered around infantry operations at the platoon level. Our platoons are broken down into 8 man sections which include machine gunners, marksmen, and other such roles. These are not assigned exclusive roles but instead are rotated amongst the section members. They are experts in dismounted close combat and rigorously trained in light mechanized roles, able to fight by foot or by vehicle. Other supporting roles - Whilst we are not currently recruiting for these roles, there are a variety of supporting roles such as medical, signals, engineers. SOCIAL MEDIA Discord - https://discord.gg/gXfXBHn Twitter - https://twitter.com/1royalirishA Website - https://www.1royalirish.co.uk/ REQUIREMENTS Arma 3 Legal Copy Aged 16 or over