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Karel Delmoitie

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About Karel Delmoitie

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  1. Karel Delmoitie

    Ravage Mod + Exile integration

    Hey man, sorry for the delay! I managed to get it working, I had to remake my entire mission.sqm file. About the update to latest version, I read somewhere that there has been an update to how the mission.sqm file was generated (how the classes are positioned) and it seems I was still using the 'older' layout. I made a clean mission file, put some markers in it, added the other stuff manually in the sqm, following the format of the editor and it worked 🙂 Thanks a lot for your help!
  2. Karel Delmoitie

    Ravage Mod + Exile integration

    That didnt work either.. 😞 I tried opening my Exile mission in the editor, so that it updates to the latest version, but that puts the mission in a bootloop on the dedi server, and I have no idea why? At first I thought it was ExtDB3, but it seems that it's able to connect the first time around and all the times after that, when the mission is read, it throws errors about already being enabled. My RPT doesn't show anything wrong afaik.. Thanks for you help anway, I appreciate it 🙂
  3. Karel Delmoitie

    Ravage Mod + Exile integration

    Hi guys, I have the zeds working in the editor, but as soon as I move over to the dedicated server, no zombies whatsoever spawn 😞 I have made the changes to description.ext as explained above (mine is in infistar's CfgRemoteExec.hpp file, but it's in the correct place). I have added a ambient spawn module and a horde module to my mission.sqm. No zombies are spawning though. cfgRemoteExec.hpp: class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class fnc_AdminReq { allowedTargets=2; }; // infiSTAR AntiHack class fn_xm8apps_server { allowedTargets=2; }; // infiSTAR xm8apps class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; }; // ExileMod class rvg_fnc_zed_spawn { allowedTargets=2; }; //Ravage Mod }; class Commands { mode=0; jip=0; }; }; mission.sqm class Entities { items=2; class Item0 { dataType="Logic"; class PositionInfo { position[]={16465.686,55.875072,15281.17}; }; id=177; type="Ravage_zombies"; class CustomAttributes { class Attribute0 { property="Ravage_zombies_fastNum_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['fastNum_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=20; }; }; }; class Attribute1 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_active_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_active_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=100; }; }; }; class Attribute2 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_FN_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_FN_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value=""; }; }; }; class Attribute3 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_uniforms_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_uniforms_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value=""; }; }; }; class Attribute4 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_pitch_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_pitch_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=1; }; }; }; class Attribute5 { property="Ravage_zombies_safeDistance_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['safeDistance_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=75; }; }; }; class Attribute6 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_damage_eh_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_damage_eh_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=1; }; }; }; class Attribute7 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_hit_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_hit_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value=""; }; }; }; class Attribute8 { property="Ravage_zombies_type_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['type_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="Both"; }; }; }; class Attribute9 { property="Ravage_zombies_numberMax_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['numberMax_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=20; }; }; }; class Attribute10 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_hording_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_hording_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "BOOL" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; class Attribute11 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_risedelay_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_risedelay_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=30; }; }; }; class Attribute12 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_damage_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_damage_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=20; }; }; }; class Attribute13 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_dirty_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_dirty_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "BOOL" }; }; value=1; }; }; }; class Attribute14 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_killed_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_killed_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value=""; }; }; }; class Attribute15 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_visual_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_visual_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=1; }; }; }; class Attribute16 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_audio_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_audio_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=0.2; }; }; }; class Attribute17 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_condition_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_condition_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="True"; }; }; }; class Attribute18 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_init_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_init_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value=""; }; }; }; class Attribute19 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_blacklist_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_blacklist_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="[]"; }; }; }; class Attribute20 { property="Ravage_zombies_sunF_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['sunF_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "BOOL" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; class Attribute21 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_grab_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_grab_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "BOOL" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; class Attribute22 { property="Ravage_zombies_numberMaxGlobal_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['numberMaxGlobal_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=300; }; }; }; class Attribute23 { property="Ravage_zombies_spawnRadius_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['spawnRadius_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=250; }; }; }; class Attribute24 { property="Ravage_zombies_z_rising_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_rising_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; nAttributes=25; }; }; class Item1 { dataType="Logic"; class PositionInfo { position[]={4592.9009,339,10237.068}; }; id=183; type="Ravage_hordes"; class CustomAttributes { class Attribute0 { property="Ravage_hordes_z_uniforms_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['z_uniforms_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value=""; }; }; }; class Attribute1 { property="Ravage_hordes_hordeRadius_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['hordeRadius_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=70; }; }; }; class Attribute2 { property="Ravage_hordes_type_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['type_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="Walkers"; }; }; }; class Attribute3 { property="Ravage_hordes_fastNum_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['fastNum_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=35; }; }; }; class Attribute4 { property="Ravage_hordes_triggerRadius_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['triggerRadius_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=500; }; }; }; class Attribute5 { property="Ravage_hordes_hordeSize_m"; expression="_this setVariable ['hordeSize_m',_value,true];"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=25; }; }; }; nAttributes=6; }; }; }; Can anyone tell me what is wrong? I cannot get them to work.. Editor works just fine though 😕
  4. I use Notepad++ mostly. Styled text like fonts, color, italic, ... NP++ shouldn't be using this, but the fact remains that the errors were fixed when I typed it manually. I even double clicked it (NP++ highlights all instances of that word/string) and it highlighted the one that was giving out errors! but it's fixed and remains fixed by retyping it.
  5. I managed to fix it, it was so stupid though... So the first error were those \ in the code you posted. I removed those and it started replacing SOME sounds but not all of them. In my server RPT I could still see RZ_NormalZombieAggressiveArray throwing an error EVERYTIME... 23:10:18 Error in expression <narus_A3\Custom\zombie\attack_9.ogg"]; RZ_NormalZombieAggressiveArray=["mpmi> 23:10:18 Error position: <RZ_NormalZombieAggressiveArray=["mpmi> 23:10:18 Error Invalid number in expression 23:10:18 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\sounds.sqf..., line 9 I googled the error, it told me that it could be a function/script that's not setup correctly, but the only code there is repopulating that array with the sounds... Tried tons of stuff, until I ended up trying to just declare the array as empty. So RZ_NormalZombieAggressiveArray = [ ]: No code inside the brackets and still throwing the same error! I found one post where someone had a similar problem and it was because he copied styled text, which it didn't like AT ALL. I retyped the name of the array, put all the sounds back in and it worked.. Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! How does that even work??? Anyway, I greatly appreciate the help you provided and just wanted to let you know that I was able to fix the issue 🙂 Thanks!
  6. Removing the \ fixed the errors! But it's still not replacing any sounds... I'll look at it this weekend... Thanks for your help anyway, it is very much appreciated!
  7. I removed the Prefix file, still the same error. I tried changing the contents of the file to DayZ.cup_chernarus_A3 but that doesn't work either. I'm really out of ideas as to why this is happening... As far as I can tell, there is nothing else wrong in the RPT and all the other scripts in the mission file just work as they are supposed to. I don't get it...
  8. This folder contains mission file, RPT and log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QAwjnEIC142CAI-1q9uxnm2Z1KnKcVpu Everything looks fine though, I don't understand why it's throwing errors. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for the quick reply! I would like to start with saying that the code that goes in description.ext has a syntax error, you're mission a }; Is this intentional or just a typo? I added it in my code, but I'm still getting errors. First of all, I am running Exile with a few added scripts. Would this have anything to do with it? I've used Windows Grep to look for CfgSounds in both my server files and my mission file. No matches were found, apart from the one in CfgSounds.hpp. This is CfgSounds.hpp, which is called in description.ext ( #include "CfgSounds.hpp" ). This file is in the root of the mission file. class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class ryanzombiesmoan1 { name = "Zombie Moan 1"; sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning1.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"}; titles[] = {}; }; class ryanzombiesmoan2 { name = "Zombie Moan 2"; sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning2.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"}; titles[] = {}; }; class ryanzombiesmoan3 { name = "Zombie Moan 3"; sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning3.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"}; titles[] = {}; }; class ryanzombiesmoan4 { name = "Zombie Moan 4"; sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning4.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"}; titles[] = {}; }; class ryanzombiesmoan5 { name = "Zombie Moan 5"; sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning5.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"}; titles[] = {}; }; class ryanzombiesmoan6 { name = "Zombie Moan 6"; sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning6.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"}; titles[] = {}; }; class ryanzombiesmoan7 { name = "Zombie Moan 7"; sound[] = {"\sounds\moaning7.ogg",0.6,"0.925 + random 0.15"}; titles[] = {}; }; }; The files moaning1 - moaning7.ogg are in the sounds folder, which is also located in the root of the mission file. I had it in a different folder first, but since it didn't work I thought I'd try to move it to where your tutorial pointed it to go. Whenever I launch the server, I get this error when it's reading the mission file (copied from RPT) 22:23:17 Error context »¿ 22:23:17 ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\CfgSounds.hpp, line 5: '/CfgSounds/ryanzombiesmoan1.': '易encountered instead of '=' 22:23:17 Application terminated intentionally ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\CfgSounds.hpp, line 5: '/CfgSounds/ryanzombiesmoan1.': '易encountered instead of '=' Even though I'm calling it in a different hpp file, I was getting the exact same error as when I had this code in description.ext If I comment out name = "Zombie Moan 1"; the server boots up, but none of the sounds are being replaced. For the other sounds (attacking etc) I noticed that it doesn't replace any of those, even though I'm not getting any errors on this code. From the developer console I could read the array that contains the correct paths to the files I'm overwriting, so I'm 100% sure that the sounds.sqf file is being read and processed. This is my sounds.sqf waitUntil {!isNil "RZ_NormalZombieAttackArray"}; RZ_NormalZombieAttackArray = [ "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_0.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_1.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_10.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_11.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_12.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_13.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_2.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_3.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_4.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_5.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_6.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_7.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_8.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_9.ogg" ]; RZ_ZombieEatingArray = [ "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_0.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_1.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_10.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_11.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_12.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_13.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_2.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_3.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_4.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_5.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_6.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_7.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_8.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_9.ogg" ]; RZ_CrawlerAttackArray = [ "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_0.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_1.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_10.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_11.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_12.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_13.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_2.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_3.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_4.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_5.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_6.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_7.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_8.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\attack_9.ogg" ]; RZ_NormalZombieAggressiveArray = [ "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_0.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_1.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_10.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_11.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_12.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_13.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_14.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_2.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_3.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_4.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_5.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_6.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_7.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_8.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_9.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_0.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_10.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_11.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_2.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_4.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_7.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_8.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_9.ogg" ]; RZ_SpiderZombieAggressiveArray = [ "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_0.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_1.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_10.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_11.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_12.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_13.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_14.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_2.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_3.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_4.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_5.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_6.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_7.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_8.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\chase_9.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_0.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_10.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_11.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_2.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_4.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_7.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_8.ogg", "mpmissions\__cur_mp.cup_chernarus_A3\Custom\zombie\Aggressive\spotted_9.ogg" ]; I know some of the files skip numbers, but the files and the paths are correct 100% As far as I can tell, I'm not getting any syntax errors on the arrays, but the sounds are not being overwritten, I can still hear the original Ryan's zombie noises (which suck...) I hope to have given you enough information, I don't know what else I can tell you besides that I'm usually quite good at figuring this stuff out. Thanks in advance! Karoolus
  10. Hey man, sorry to dig up this ancient thread, but I'm just trying this now and it doesn't seem to work. I have had some weird errors with the cfgSounds class, so I put it in a separate hpp file and included that from within description.ext None of the sounds are changed though... When I log into the server, I can still hear the original Z&D sounds and none of the custom sounds that I imported.. Is this still working and would you be willing to point me in the right direct IF it still works? Thanks in advance!