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Everything posted by Dewgle

  1. Hello o7 I have a JS_JC_FA18F and E variant that I've placed down in the 3den editor and I have set up a custom pylon loadout and livery texture. But I noticed that every time the jet respawns, it reverts back to a default livery and pylon loadout. I tried using this script, however when the jet respawns using this script, it respawns with the default livery and with empty pylons. And I don't know enough about scripting to figure out what's wrong or how to adapt this script to the John Spartan FA-18s. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated and thank you for your time.
  2. My end goal is to disable the carrier service menu so that pilots will have to their aircraft manually serviced on the carrier deck. I set up ACE refuel, rearm and repair stations on the flight deck. But if the jet keeps reverting back to it's default loadout, I'll have to keep using the carrier service menu to reset my custom pylon loadout every time it respawns.
  3. Thank you for the response! How would I share the mission? (this is my first time using the forums)