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About MFiveASP

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    Private First Class
  1. Thanks, it looks like it works. Tomorrow I will definitely inform you that we will have a game tomorrow and we will test it with a large number of players. But I have one more question, it’s not a lot on this topic. How do I apply ModuleZoneRestriction to units that have been killed and respawn? The module synchronizes units and it works on those that have not been killed.
  2. Yes! https://dropmefiles.com/EdpDd
  3. Sorry for the second post, I do not know how to remove it.
  4. You helped me make the call Serp unitprocessor work. But now I have another problem. The script issues equipment at the beginning of the game and after the player respawn. But it gives respawn not to one unit, but to everyone who has one script written. Example: There are three units with equipment "officer_squadleader" With respawn, it is activated on all three units, it does not matter if they are alive or not. Also, when you enter the game slot, the same thing happens. How can I make one script work on several units, but for the script to give out equipment only to the unit that has just respawning or entered the game?
  5. Larrow, thanks! It looks like it works!
  6. Yes. Cleaning Inventory. It's comment "Добавляем Items, карту, компас, часы и рацию"; _unit linkItem "ItemMap"; _unit linkItem "ItemCompass"; _unit linkItem "ItemWatch"; _unit linkItem "ItemRadio"; comment "Добавляем униформу"; _unit forceAddUniform "RM_SWAT_Uniform_02"; _unit addGoggles "G_RM_SWAT_Balaclava"; _unit addHeadgear "RM_SWAT_Helmet_01"; _unit addVest "RM_SWAT_Vest_01"; comment "Добавляем предметы в униформу"; _unit addItemToUniform "ACE_epinephrine"; _unit addItemToUniform "ACE_EarPlugs"; _unit addItemToUniform "ACE_tourniquet"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine"; }; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToUniform "ACE_fieldDressing"; }; _unit addItemToUniform "ACE_elasticBandage"; _unit addItemToUniform "ACE_quikclot"; _unit addItemToUniform "ACE_packingBandage"; comment "Добавляем предметы в рюкзак"; for "_i" from 1 to 5 do {_unit addItemToVest "rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag"; }; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit addItemToVest "rhsusf_mag_17Rnd_9x19_JHP"; }; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest "ACE_M84"; }; _unit addItemToVest "SmokeShell"; _unit addItemToVest "rhs_mag_m67"; comment "Добавляем основное оружие и приспособления к нему"; _unit addWeapon "rhs_weap_hk416d145"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco"; comment "Добавляем второстепенное оружие и приспособления к нему"; _unit addWeapon "rhsusf_weap_glock17g4"; _unit addHandgunItem "rhsusf_acc_omega9k"; Ammunition Add Code. It works for the first time at the start of the game and the function works correctly. But the function is not called after the death of the player and respawn. There’s not even an inventory cleaning after Respawn Sorry, but I didn’t write the code, so I can’t answer your question. I would be happy if I could figure this out. That is why I am here.
  7. This does not work...
  8. My description.ext class CfgFunctions { class mis { class Main { file="mis_funcs"; class preinit { preInit=1; postInit=0; }; }; }; }; Function missionname/mis_funcs/fn_preinit.sqf Serp_unitprocessor = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "Equipment\unitprocessor.sqf"; Equipment/unitprocessor.sqf _unit = _this select 0; _faction = _this select 1; _loadout = _this select 2; _item_processor = { removeAllItems _this; removeAllWeapons _this; removeAllItemsWithMagazines _this; removeAllAssignedItems _this; removeUniform _this; removeBackpack _this; removeGoggles _this; removeHeadgear _this; removeVest _this; }; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _unit call _item_processor; _svn = format ["SerP_equipment_codes_%1_%2",_faction, _loadout]; if (isNil _svn) then { missionNamespace setVariable [_svn, compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["Equipment\%1\%2.sqf", _faction, _loadout]]; }; [_unit] call (missionNamespace getVariable [_svn, {}]); Only the issue of equipment after respawn does not work.
  9. Hey. I use Serp to build TvT missions and I have a problem. My function call in multiplayer doesn’t work, which is called respawn unit. Init unit: It works. This gives the initial equipment to the unit. There are no problems with this, everything works. [this,"opfor","opfor_squadleader"] call SerP_unitprocessor; I try to call the same function, but after Respawn this addEventHandler ["Respawn", { params ["_unit", "_corpse"]; [_unit, "opfor", "opfor_squadleader"] call SerP_unitprocessor; }]; It works, but not on the server. I even tried doing this: if (isServer) then { this addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", { params ["_unit", "_corpse"]; [_unit, "opfor", "opfor_squadleader"] call SerP_unitprocessor; }]; }; But this does not work. Could you help me solve this?
  10. Can anyone help me with this?
  11. Hey. I can’t understand what is wrong with this script? File code/fn__CCheckIfMarkerAllowedSend.sqf Redid it // receives [marker] #include "main.hpp" #define CUT_LAYER 2344223 PV(_mark) = _this select 0; /* if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) in [CHAN_VEHICLE, CHAN_DIRECT]) exitWith {true}; if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) == CHAN_GROUP) exitWith { if (time == 0 || {[] call TFAR_fnc_haveSWRadio}) then { true } else { CUT_LAYER cutText [ localize "STR_Addons__d_map_adv_markers__send_not_allowed_grou_chan", "PLAIN", 0.2, true]; false; }; }; if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) in [CHAN_SIDE, CHAN_COMMAND] ) exitWith { if (time == 0 || {[] call TFAR_fnc_haveLRRadio}) then { true } else { if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) == CHAN_SIDE) then { CUT_LAYER cutText [ localize "STR_Addons__d_map_adv_markers__send_not_allowed_side_chan", "PLAIN", 0.2, true]; } else { CUT_LAYER cutText [ localize "STR_Addons__d_map_adv_markers__send_not_allowed_comm_chan", "PLAIN", 0.2, true]; }; false; }; }; */ if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) == CHAN_GLOBAL) exitWith { CUT_LAYER cutText [ localize "STR_Addons__d_map_adv_markers__send_not_allowed_glob_chan", "PLAIN", 0.2, true]; false; }; true; In it // receives [marker] #include "main.hpp" #define CUT_LAYER 2344223 PV(_mark) = _this select 0; if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) in [CHAN_VEHICLE, CHAN_DIRECT]) exitWith {true}; if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) == CHAN_GROUP) exitWith { if (time == 0 || {[] call TFAR_fnc_haveSWRadio}) then { true } else { CUT_LAYER cutText [ localize "STR_Addons__d_map_adv_markers__send_not_allowed_grou_chan", "PLAIN", 0.2, true]; false; }; }; if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) in [CHAN_SIDE, CHAN_COMMAND] ) exitWith { if (time == 0 || {[] call TFAR_fnc_haveLRRadio}) then { true } else { if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) == CHAN_SIDE) then { CUT_LAYER cutText [ localize "STR_Addons__d_map_adv_markers__send_not_allowed_side_chan", "PLAIN", 0.2, true]; } else { CUT_LAYER cutText [ localize "STR_Addons__d_map_adv_markers__send_not_allowed_comm_chan", "PLAIN", 0.2, true]; }; false; }; }; if (MAR_CHAN(_mark) == CHAN_GLOBAL) exitWith { CUT_LAYER cutText [ localize "STR_Addons__d_map_adv_markers__send_not_allowed_glob_chan", "PLAIN", 0.2, true]; false; }; true; Deleted "/*", because I need so that the markers could not be put without a walkie-talkie, but the script starts to throw an error. https://dropmefiles.com/FN0yB - I changed https://dropmefiles.com/rAYuT - Original
  12. MFiveASP

    d_map_adv_markers for ace

    Does anyone know how to do this?
  13. Hi. I have a mod for map markers that is compatible with TFAR. Here's an example: if a player doesn't have a long-distance radio, they can't put a marker on the map in the side Channel. It also changes the marker interface. The problem is that if I run the mod together with the ACE mod, but the interface doesn't change and the mod doesn't work correctly. Who can help me with this? I would write to the author of the mod, but on the site where I found the mod, the author has not been online since 2017. The mod was created in 2015. This mod, v11 = https://github.com/TheDrill/d-arma-3-addons/tree/master/dmap_adv_markers/11/d_map_adv_markers
  14. Hi. blufor_box_backpack addBackpackCargoGlobal ["B_mas_usl_Kitbag_w", 56]; I add 56 backpacks to the box, but the backpacks are not empty, there are 2 mines in each backpack. How do I add a cleaned backpack to a drawer? How can I clean the backpack that I added to my drawer? p.s I am very sorry, I accidentally created a topic in another section. Can I ask the moderators to remove it?