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Everything posted by Dandezinna33

  1. Dandezinna33

    Duos multiplayer

    Hey guys i just started playing after the new update and I must say, it’s much much better! I enjoy the heck out of it! I did get a chance to play duos for the first time and my only complaint or recommendation would be being able to revive your teammate.. I got pretty frustrated when I died and my teammate stole all of my loot and couldn’t be revived.. I feel you should have at least one shot and being revived and if you die a second time then game over..
  2. Dandezinna33

    Duos multiplayer

    @Civilian5902 I can definitely see where your coming from, and it makes total sense. But what happens when you get shot in the leg or foot for instance.. you wouldn’t die right away from that. If you get shot in the head or chest. Great, your dead! And that’s perfectly fine! In Escape from tarkov if you get shot in your legs or feet you can use a kit to temporarily heal. That’s the kind of system I’m talking about that would be neat to incorporate into the game. Not like apex “battle royale”..