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Posts posted by Redfox_40

  1. Is there a new version coming out soon? If so, then it would be awesome if you could add more useful scripts and stuff like:

    • Robbing a cash register (as I'm making a new open world scenario cops and robbers)
    • Buying vehicles (unless you've already done that)
    • (Whatever else you're going to add in the next version if you do decide to make one)
    • Oh and money regenerating after a certain amount of time as I've done a bank heist on my cops and robbers scenario.

  2. overviewText = "Set 3 years after the events of Altis Falls, the USMC and NATO must conduct joint operations to combat the FIA's dominance of Altis.";
    overviewTextLocked = "A text of a locked mission.";
    overviewPicture = "image.jpg";

    onLoadName = "Breaking Point";
    onLoadMission = "Assist USMC with taking out hostile FIA forces.";
    loadScreen = "image.jpg";
    author = "Z7-Zlam";

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