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About Tank50us

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  1. First... Before anyone goes "use the search bar", I did, and I'm finding a bunch of stuff for the coding literate, for which I am most certainly not. Second: This is my first time doing anything like this, so please forgive my noob mistakes. Now that that's out of the way.... onto the meat. I'm trying to create a simple rifle range for my unit ([UFEF] StrayDogs) to qualify on using a basic infantry rifle (in this case, the Mk16, AKA, SCAR-L). What I want to have is as follows: When the player arrives at the range, all targets are up, making them easy to see and ID. When the player fires the first round, all of the targets drop after a couple seconds (with the one hit dropping immediately). After a few seconds, the other targets will pop up, one at a time, for a random duration (varying depending on range, so shorter times for shorter ranges), and in a random order. The script should run for 40 targets, at the end of which, all of the targets stand back up, and it is reset for the next shooter. Now, if this is not possible, my alternate is to model it on the US Army qualification, which starts with them all down, and they all pop up in a scripted sequnce at the same time on all lanes (this made it easy for me to know if I'd hit one or not) The targets, and ranges I have are: 1x 20m 2x 40m 1x 50m 2x 70m 1x 90m 2x 110m 1x 120m 1x 135m 1x 150m Keep in mind, the target ranges are according to the ERTV range finder, with me doing some rounding. I know the US Army shoots out to 300m (I went to Benning), I'm just trying to emulate what I can here. That all being said. If anyone can help me figure this out, I'd appreciate it. I'll also include a screenshot so you can see the range itself. Both in the eyes of a potential shooter, and in the 3DEN editor. The map is Wake Island. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help. Just know I may ask ya to come help train some new StrayDogs 😛