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Posts posted by ChlckenWlng

  1. Everything works with unitCapture but not with weapons. When I copy the weapon fire data the output is always [] but movement works just fine.

    What did I do wrong?


    My scripts:

    _Player1move = ;

    Player1dothings = [player1, _Player1move] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay;
    [player1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlayFiring;


    Trigger script:

    [player1, 600, 60, true, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture;  


    Thanks for any help

  2. So like when I enter a trigger I want that the AI that is sitting in a artillery raise the barrel by some degrees and then shoot.

    If anyone knows another way make a AI shoot with a artillery on a target from like 200m please tell me.


    Why do I need this? I am trying to make a mission with a BM-21 artillery and I want it to shoot at a target inside of the minimum shooting range like 100m away or something like that.

    I can use doArtilleryFire but it will only work if the target is above the minimum shooting range

  3. So I have a little problem here. I want that a zombie from the ravage adddon doesnt move. However I cant do it


    I tried:

    zombie disableAI "MOVE";

    zombie enableSimulation false;

    doStop zombie;

    zombie disableAI "MOVE"; in combination with zombie disableAI "TARGET" and zombie disableAI "AUTOTARGET";

    zombie disableAI "FSM";

    zombie disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT";

    zomibe disableAI "PATH";

    and a combination of this all together

    but nothing worked. Anyone got a idea how I can make him stop moving?

  4. 7 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

    Is your trigger within 10 m from the center of your building ? (In 3D) If not, enlarge to 15 or 20 m
    Verify the nearestTerrainObjects [thisTrigger,["House","Building"],10] returns at least one building. (name the trigger and in console watch line, replace thisTrigger by the trigger's name)

    Be sure you apply setHit on an existing "hit selection name" (2st array in getAllHitPointsDamage's array)

    okay worked thanks


    • Like 2

  5. 15 hours ago, pierremgi said:

    In preview, escape to debug console when you point at the building. In 1 of the 4 watch lines, write getAllHitPointsDamage cursorObject (cursorObject must be the building you point at).

    Copy paste in clipboard the result and see all the points (glasses here) you can break.

    Read BIKI how to use the setHit command. In debug console, try to break the glass you want by code.

    When you are OK with the result, add a trigger on your building, write a condition like: bob inArea thisTrigger or something else working.

    in on act field: (nearestTerrainObjects [thisTrigger,["house"],10] #0) setHit [....,1]; 

    fill .... by the string of the glass you want to break.


    I dont know what I am doing wrong: (nearestTerrainObjects [thisTrigger,["House","Building"],10] #0) setHit ["glass_1", 1, true]; I just cant fix it

  6. So I want to hide the sidechat on trigger. Example when I have a unit talking in sidechat and the player just walks away (leaves the trigger) I dont want the unit to keep talking in sidechannel. I tried showChat false; but it just hides all channels. Maybe something that can kill the script and stol the talking or something like that idk. I tried looking for a solution but I didnt find anything. termniatescript isnt working too. Once the script actived it wont stop till it finished

  7. 12 minutes ago, Hans(z) said:

    Amount of radiation is dependent on the size of Rad zone. But Radiation from two ovelapping zones have additive effect, put enough small rad zones one on another and you should get what you want.

    Nevermind just had to put like 300 down but do you know why when I put it on 2 its like 30m not 2m?

  8. How to increase the radiation with the radiatio active zone placement?


    Edit: So I am trying to do is: I want like a 8m radius radioacitv zone but in the middle I get like 60 on the muller geiger and when I walk out of the 8m I 0.
