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Everything posted by BlackbirdSD

  1. 40mm is much better. Thanks
  2. Thats awsome thanks. Only problem is the flare isnt as bright as the one shot from the grenade launcher. Any idea why? Thanks
  3. Does this get put in a trigger?
  4. Under barrel. Parachute flares
  5. BlackbirdSD

    Tactical Ping issues

    Ok this issue seems to only happen for my friend not seeing my ping and I am the leader. I cant even give him move commands when this happens. Just played a game and it happened 3 times where the ping would work again then shut off. Always after my death and revive.
  6. Does anyone else have issues with the tactical ping not working in multiplayer? It works 80% of the time but i think when it fails it occurs after a respawn. Possibly looking at the map while dead?
  7. Seems to work with men and vehicles only but I cant get it to work with supply and cargo objects. What I had to do was attach a dirt object to the bottom of the Taru container then that works.
  8. What is the best way to activate a trigger when a parachute drop or chopper, touches ground or hits a certain altitude? Right now im using a flat trigger but it doesnt follow the contours of the map. Thanks
  9. BlackbirdSD

    Tactical Ping issues

    This is a much easier to see white circle which will disappear after a few seconds but if marking close objects the circle is huge.
  10. Cant seem to make it work with a Taru cargo pod
  11. Does that go in the Init field of the object? Thanks
  12. Is it possible that when downloading a mod, it could have a virus or malware?
  13. I only get mods from steam but just curious. Probably an inventive way for a hacker to get you to download it. Hopefully steam takes care of protecting from that.
  14. BlackbirdSD

    Tactical Ping issues

    I will try it thanks
  15. BlackbirdSD

    Tactical Ping issues

    Just tried it and it seems to just replace the yellow marker with a red circle and the circle seems to stay there until you ping the sky, maybe good or bad feature. The red is harder to see. Ill try it in multiplayer when I have a chance. Thanks
  16. BlackbirdSD

    Tactical Ping issues

    Does that ping in game or only the map?
  17. BlackbirdSD

    Tactical Ping issues

    I am hosting the mission. Only a couple scripts in the folder mostly triggers. Tactical ping works most of the time. I used to think it stopped working if we looked at the map while waiting for the other to revive us but thats proven wrong. I am now wondering if it is while calling in artillery or heli support while dead, trying to do more testing. If I ever were to save a game then reload, the tactical ping reliably fails but i almost never save games.
  18. BlackbirdSD

    Tactical Ping issues

    I saw you're video on that but i dont just want to reveal enemies I want to be able for both me and my friend to point things out to each other like "lets go over there" or "hide behind that rock. Exactly like the tactical ping but more reliable. Thanks for the reply
  19. BlackbirdSD

    Tactical Ping issues

    Alright if no one else has this problem, is there an alternative tagging mod that is similar?
  20. BlackbirdSD

    Make UAV's invisible on the map

    I still want to be able to see nearby units and my friend.
  21. How can I prevent myself from seeing my own UAV's on the map? As soon as I pickup a UAV terminal, I can see all of the UAV's on the map which is what I dont want. Thanks
  22. In multiplayer I would like to have the option appear for heli transport if 1 respawn remains. I know how to do the transport but not sure about the rest. Thanks
  23. Tickets are subtracting fine
  24. I still dont know what im doing wrong.
  25. What do you mean "Your none, none, not server only trigger? Cant get this to work [player,nil,true] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets == 1. I am putting this in the condition field of the trigger. thanks