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Everything posted by BlackbirdSD

  1. Thanks for the reply. I will need help with this. I haven't done scripts before. Works great for myself, haven't tried with human players but it doesn't seem to work with the playable AI Do my players need to have a specified name? "you_fnc_strobeIFF=" does this need to be left at "you" I have 3 human players playing my mission. Currently named p1,p2,p3 Thanks
  2. I just noticed that while getting in and out of a sub. When I said that when the chute opens I lose the strobe, I found out that it only gets lost for the 2 AI parachuters but not me as the player. when I land I still have the strobe but as soon as I enter my sub and get out, its gone. Any suggestions? Can the command line in the Init, be activated by a trigger or radio command to turn it back on after you exit the vehicle?
  3. That worked great! So I did the same by adding the strobe to a player and it worked but in my mission I start off as a scuba diver parachuting using this addBackpack "B_Parachute"; this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 3000] Now the strobe works in freefall but once the chute opens, the strobes get left behind and not sure why. So I thought I will just add a backpack with the strobe, to be manually picked up from the inside the ammo box but how do I get that backpack (with the strobe Init command) inside the ammo crate? Thank you