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Rj Jr Connell

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  1. Rj Jr Connell

    Shooting for nothing

    Full clip, pull the trigger nothing comes out..... ??? Why do I even have a gun if I can't use it??? This happens to me just about every match. It's driving me absolutely insane. I literally have to run from gun fights because my gun will not disburse any bullets. Absolutely ridiculous!!!
  2. Rj Jr Connell

    Shooting (MAJOR) bug/glitch

    1)Numerous times when I try to pull the trigger to kill the enemy, nothing, I mean nothing comes out of my gun. Which means they kill me and they get all my loot. This has happened so many times it's ridiculous. 2) I've emptied 30 to 40 bullets into one person, and they didn't die. Then they end up killing me and taking all my loot. I hope there's a way I can put these videos in this forum so people can see what I'm talking about.