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Everything posted by MetalBush

  1. Just played a game on Fjellkanten where someone activated the signal detector at the same time as I pressed B to crouch ( might have been a lag spike at that exact time aswell) which rendered my ability to use A and B buttons useless. Tried emotes, holstering weapon, bringing up map and inventory but couldn't get it sorted. I did not manage to take fall damage to see if using meds would solve it. Upon returning to shelter it worked again
  2. MetalBush

    2 bugs about ammo

    These bugs may very well already be known and posted about but here we go anyways. 1. When doing the melee kills challenge the other night I knifed a dude and stole his m21 and A74-k along with all his ammo. Both sorts of ammo was of the right type for each weapon but I could not reload the AK. When I brought up the weapon wheel it said that mag was full and another 100-120 in inventory but when aiming, the bottom right corner indicator just showed -/-. I did not manage to solve this during the rest of the match and m21 reloaded just fine. 2. Another match I played, wielding a Mashinengewehr, the entire mag just vanished upon returning to shelter after the match ended. I brought with me 160 rounds but only had 60 in my inventory post game. I didn't fire a single shot during the match or had anything else in my inventory missing, just the loaded mag. Heard this happened to a friend the other day but first time for me.
  3. I would really like for someone to explain to me how the flinch mechanic is supposed to work, unless it's random, because... Shotguns often flinch you. I've experienced this many times. But just minutes ago I engaged in combat with a player running perpendicular to me, roughly 5 meters away. I send shots at him of which a couple hit the body. I know this because of the blood hitmarkers. He then stops running, turns to me, shoots me with his Thompson and makes me flinch. He proceeds to kill me and I wonder why I'm the one flinching and not him? All this happened in mere seconds but I'm certain MY shots hit first but HE made me flinch. Is there a mechanic behind this phenomenon or is it based on randomness?
  4. Tested on shooting range in kneeling position with Suuomi and scoped weapons such as m21 and aur A1. When aiming down sights with Suuomi, scope sway is roughly equivalent to a close range steel plate. If you switch to a scoped weapon without releasing LT (ads) in between, the scoped weapon maintains the previous weapons tighter scope sway value. De-scope and scope in again to regain original intended value. Works the other way around aswell where you would give the Suuomi a bigger than intended scope sway if you switch from a scoped gun. Not gamebreaking perhaps but definitely something to look at EDIT: Does not only affect Suuomi but other weapons aswell. EDIT 2: Tried it with a knife now... ridiculous! Prone accuracy while standing up 🙂 / MetalBush