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About RickRock28

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  1. Hello, I've been playing Vigor for over 2 weeks and have had the game crash while starting the encounter. Right after we have all joined and the counter has ended. When the game crashes I lose everything I was carrying. To this day I have lost 3 Thompsons w/ 270 ammo, 1 RPK with 90 ammo. 1 PM with 30 ammo, 1 ADR-97 with 150 ammo, and 12 disinfectants. I would like to have my items recovered or something given to cover my losses. My XBOX Live account is Renshai28 in case you need it. I appreciate whatever you can do. Other than that I find my character will get stuck in zoomed in mode after shooting at someone I am chasing. It takes a bunch of random button pressing and controller stick shaking to get out of it. When crafting disinfectant if I am going too fast between crafting and adding the crafted items to my equiped items the game will kick me out to the start screen. Has happened at least 5 times so far. Also can you guys please nerf the shotgun. People are sniping me across a field with the shotguns. It seems to have better accuracy and effective range than the assault rifles and machine guns. I 'm sure this is not what you intended. Thanks