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Posts posted by HumaineNZ

  1. (Quote after watching the video I made, of testing the script - Watch the video at your peril LOL)



    That's kind of strange. I noticed the hint said CIV when he entered the zone, but the AI still engaged him so he should be part of an opfor group(unless you set the AI to fire on Civs in the zone) so is that portion working correctly? is it just the respawning that is having issues?


    Yes, it is weird. and no the AI are just regular Bluefor. No changes made to them.


    Yes the change over from Civ to Opfor is working well, and when we tried it again the other day it was working, but we noticed that a new value came up after I had respawned from being killed by the AI at the outpost. The other player had driven off to a different trigger further out at another outpost. The hint came up 'ENEMY' for me at the respawn.


    We will be testing it again tonight and see if there is a condition when these issues come up. Anyone is welcome to join and figure this out... hehehe

  2. Hi, I'm looking at creating a mission where the players start as civilians but if they cross into an area, bluefor forces will shoot them.

    This is the first time I've tried scripting so forgive my lack of knowledge on this.


    I found the simple way to do this is to change the player to Opfor on a trigger when that happens, with something that does this:

    player joinAsSilent [createGroup east, 5];


    but, once one player switches, then every other player switches as well, no matter where they are. ( which isn't ideal)

    Also when the player dies, he can't respawn using the civi point, as he remains Opfor.


    A messy way around this was to created an opfor respawn at the start point, and another trigger to switch them back to Civi

    player joinAsSilent [createGroup civilian, 5];


    This works, but again every player changes as well... and i'm sure I read somewhere that every time you do something like this, it creates a new group, and that there is a limit to how many new groups can be created.


    Is there another way i could do this? how about on death the player switches back to civi?  Not sure how to script that.


    Thanks for any help, if you can.

