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Big Get

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About Big Get

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  1. Big Get

    Losing my crowns

    its now happened to me and my buddies over 15 times combined. we all got off last night because we kept getting disconnected in games where we had both bough more loot and better crates. hoping to get in touch with someone about reimbursement.
  2. Big Get

    Losing my crowns

    this has happened multiple games now. Its a server issue that ties into stealing my crowns. I get into a pre game lobby and have bought either insurance or better crate or more loot and mid game get disconnected. therefore losing my crowns and missing out on better drops or more materials to improve my base. its frustrating when I'm spending real money on the game and it just gets taken from me. I've lost over 400 crowns because of this. very very infuriating.
  3. YES YES YES!! completely agree. there NEEDS to be 4 player squad modes. even 3 teams of 4 or something would be perfect. need to be able to trade with friends. instead of the silly food distribution stat, change that to a resources and weapons trading post where you can select what you want to trade with a particular person. Visitors is a must, I agree with visual upgrades being useless unless I can get my buddies at my home shelter. obviously early on but needs to be more guns and maps.