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About Rubzen

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    Private First Class

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  1. Disabled 3den enhanced and everything now works perfectly, whelp
  2. I've run into a issue with my scenario where vehicles just stopped respawning on their synced respawn modules, any idea why? I've tried resyncing the vehicles to their modules Should i start moving away from modules and look for scripts as a replacement? i encounter more bugs as days go by with all these modules.
  3. Rubzen

    addAction Cooldown?

    Problem is, i'm by no means any good at scripting, i can understand most scripts but i cannot make them from the ground up. all the scripts i have for my current scenario is made by the community that i have configured for my own needs. All-in-all i have no idea where to start with playMusic.
  4. Rubzen

    addAction Cooldown?

    Like this? @killzone_kid h1 addAction [ "MUSIC ON" , { h1 playMusic [ "dangerzone", 10, 1]; } ]; h1 addAction [ "UNMUTE" , { 1 fadeSound 1; } ]; h1 addAction [ "MUTE" , { 1 fadeSound 0; } ];
  5. I'm making a vehicle radio script and i'd like to figure out how to stop the user from using the addAction for "MUSIC ON" more than once every 225 seconds (song length) also another question, not as important, how would i make the addAction only interactable from within the vehicle itself? init of vehicle h1 addAction [ "MUSIC ON" , { h1 say3D [ "dangerzone", 10, 1]; } ]; h1 addAction [ "UNMUTE" , { 1 fadeSound 1; } ]; h1 addAction [ "MUTE" , { 1 fadeSound 0; } ];
  6. Hey everyone! I really want to add a radio to vehicles in the scenario i'm currently working on. Right now you can spam the add action "MUSIC ON" in-game multiple times and the song overlaps, i would also like a option to turn the music off. I've searched for something simple that is community made with zero dependencies but to no avail. Would appreciate if anyone could lend a hand, the least i can do is give credit to you in the scenario on steam workshop 🙂 Description.ext class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class dangerzone { name = "dangerzone"; sound[] = {"music\dangerzone.wav", 300, 1}; titles[] = {0,""}; }; }; Init in vehicle h1 addAction [ "MUSIC ON" , { h1 say3D [ "dangerzone", 5, 1]; } ];
  7. I reduced the respawn delay to zero and it works. But i'd really love to find out what caused this.
  8. So far i've tried running the mission with no scripts, it remains the same and only happens when crashing with a heli my concern is that this might be only for me, which opens the question, what could be wrong?
  9. Could it perhaps be because of the onPlayerKilled.sqf/onPlayerRespawn.sqf "onPlayerKilled.sqf" [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; "onPlayerRespawn.sqf" [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory;
  10. I tried it multiple ways, if i killed myself with a launcher then i would be able to respawn, if i killed myself with piloting a heli and crash into the ground then this will show up I've narrowed it down!
  11. Could it have anything to do with this? https://imgur.com/a/THuvYbO