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Vigor victor

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Everything posted by Vigor victor

  1. Vigor victor

    Server optimization

    Who cares if it’s free or not fortnite and apex legends are free and look at the quality they give their players and actually freedom of speech gives the the right to bitch about my wasted time and lost progress due to them releasing a game that isn’t even finished devs need to learn to fix shit before they make it public so we don’t waste our free time expecting to play a game that at the very least should function properly
  2. Vigor victor

    Server optimization

    Can the devs make a game that isn’t completely fucking broken? I didn’t even mention how the hit box is broken or how the tommy doesn’t make noise when firing at times and barely works in single fire mode or how the silver pigeon likes to shoot both shots at once but only registers one if they even register at all or how the game will freeze if to many people use full auto weapons in a close area to each other or how about how I clip through floors and get stuck in the open until someone walks by and shoots me while I struggle to get out or until I eventually lag out or how literally every game I have the message saying connection may interfere with my game(no fucking shit it does) or how I disconnect from 7/10 games I play. This shameful game insults itself by how broken it is that’s why hardly anyone has heard of it who wants to tell their friends about some shitty game that barely runs?
  3. Vigor victor

    Server optimization

    How about you guys fix the fucking server disconnects that keep happening and not only do I loose the shit I worked for I loose the shit I went in with so what’s the point of playing if I’m loosing way more than I gain right after I make plays?