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About tyger249

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  1. tyger249

    Create Extension.dll

    How would I go about that? Seems even weirder then that it'd work fine in Killzone Kid's tester.
  2. tyger249

    Create Extension.dll

    I tried placing only the supporting dll and both in Arma's root folder, same result. My extension works until it actually has to use the supporting dll. Infodump: The extension has a version command and a RVExtension function returning "missing parameters for correct usage". What actually should be the workhorse is the RvExtensionArgs but alas, it doesn't work in the game. The extension works fine in Killzone Kid's callExtension. It also works fine in my Arma 3 with basic commands: It doesn't, however, work fine with the command I need: Resulting .rpt file after the crash. "Unknown module". A3_Weapons_F_Gamma_Rifles_MX in a3\weapons_f_gamma\rifles\mx\ Mods: A3;curator;kart;heli;mark;expansion;jets;argo;orange;tacops;tank;enoch;@Epoch;@Zombies and Demons;@CBA_A3;@Ravage Version 1.94.145977 Fault time: 2019/09/11 21:31:15 Fault address: BA57A839 00:BA57A839 Unknown module file: tempMissionSP world: VR Prev. code bytes: 0A 4C 05 00 48 8D 4C 24 20 48 FF 15 EF BE 16 00 Fault code bytes: 0F 1F 44 00 00 48 8B 8C 24 C0 00 00 00 48 33 CC ======================================================= note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\tyger\AppData\Local\Arma 3\Arma3_x64_2019-09-11_21-29-33.mdmp My used extensions are both in the Arma 3 root: Maybe the dots in the dll name screw with Arma's recognition? I also tried the game in 32-bit mode, just to see if the additional dll would also require the _x64 suffix. Here is the link to the code I've written thus far: Github I could also post the dll I've created although I'd advise anyone against running foreign dlls.
  3. tyger249

    Create Extension.dll

    I feel like my issue arises from my dll using another dll (StackExchange.Redis.StrongName) to perform it's work. The dll works correctly when it doesn't use another dll. It seems like KillzoneKid's extension tester might correctly load all the available dlls into the tester but Arma fails to load another dll even if mine requires it. I wonder how could I fix that.
  4. tyger249

    Create Extension.dll

    Yeah, that works. Thanks for the reply. I must've missed something the first time I tried it out. Now my next quest is in figuring out why accessing a database and reading/modifying data from it crashes my game in the editor debug console and my dedicated server but runs fine in KillzoneKid's extension tester. Right now I'm probably going to test out if running the database query on a thread and accessing it later will work.
  5. tyger249

    Create Extension.dll

    What kind of project would you start in Visual Studio 2019? Neither Class Library (Universal Windows) nor Class Library (.Net Framework) seem to work for me for creating a working .dll.
  6. Hello, I'm a novice A3 modder who's trying to do some minor modifications to other people's work on my own server. What I'm having a great difficulty with is actually getting and setting variables. Naturally, I'd try to first study them to see how they behave. I'd enable the debug console on my server and launch it and use the debug console to try print out different vars but for a lot of the vars I just get something akin to "test Any" or the default parameters as output. Commands I tried: diag_log format ["test %1", EPOCH_customVars find "Crypto"]; diag_log format ["test2 %1", _this select 0 getVariable["VARS",call EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar] ]; diag_log format ["test3 %1", _x setVariable ["Crypto",11] ]; _this select 0 setVariable ["Cash",100]; _this select 0 fnc_updateStats; player setVariableˇ ["Crypto",11] How would you test if those values were set correctly? I'm also having some difficulty with grasping how the individual player is referenced. Is the reference passed on from function to function or is there a general player reference by uid or something akin to that?