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oYS Sin

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Everything posted by oYS Sin

  1. Hello Everyone! What's up everyone? I've been playing Vigor since Xbox One release and would love to see this game take off as it's amazing, I am currently max shelter level and almost maxed out on improvements. If anyone needs any help feel free to ask Vigor staff/community members or I am always around. Things I've found I feel needs adjusting If game crashes or freezes you lose all your stuff. Vigor shouldn't register you died at this point. Sometimes when being shot your character freezes in place not allowing you to get away or to cover. Sniper scopes steady aim is to short and the bounce of the sight is way too high when it becomes unsteady. Shooting range & public play shots sometimes don't register. You should be able to drop heals, ammo, guns, anything if your team mate needs it. Exits shouldn't open until crate has dropped/radiation is coming in. Things I feel maybe should be added Red dot sights for assault rifles, barrel modifications for sub machine guns, & suppressor for sniper rifles. Customize (Shelter) - Should allow us to freely customize and I believe a team/clan/club house should be added for friends to loot and survive together not just in the battlefield. Leader boards based on kills, escapes, and most loot should be added. Crates should get more items added as its just the same 2-3 sets of items. Weapons should take ware when using it and at your crafting table you should be able to fix it. I will be adding many more as my community of 300 plays it and I do everyday,
  2. This should be in suggestions and feedback.
  3. Fear nothing just click "B" if your on xbox to close the shop dialog and go back into it and it will be there.
  4. I am playing on xbox one and occasionally when I aim and shoot it shoots the whole clip after I let off the trigger.