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About Vbcxc

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    Private First Class

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  1. Well that sucks, I'm at day 4 of nothing but challenges for crates. I've gotten 6 or 7 legendary crates now and a load of blues.
  2. Yes, I believe they are randomly generated. RNG stands for random number generation, meaning they're basically picked out of a hat at random. Once I finished my story challenges I didn't get any crate challenges for 3-5 days but now the last 2 days I've had nothing but challenges for blue and yellow crates. They may not be completely randomly chosen as my sample size is pretty small, but as of now I assume it's random.
  3. Vbcxc


    I get this message almost every match, at very least every other, and I have only ever crashed out of a match once. Even when the message is there alot the matches appear to play normally for me.
  4. You will eventually get some crate challenges, the challenges are RNG as to what you get. I was stuck with food for a while but the last 2 days have been nothing but easy challenges for crates. Its just the luck of the draw.
  5. This has happened to me a couple times, restarting the game has fixed it everytime.
  6. Yeah I believe that is the case, it not only effects ammo you pick up but also ammo you take in. This explains why my rpk keeps losing ammo.
  7. Vbcxc

    Lost all crowns I contribute

    Have you tried contacting them more directly? I'm not sure how active they actually are on this forum. The real problem here is that you can't prove it happened, and I doubt they can either, so the only action they could take is giving away some coin to everyone if enough people report this issue.
  8. Vbcxc

    Bug report

    3 bugs I've found. 1. The RPK is losing ammo, if I take it into extractions and don't fire a shot, but I loot stuff and then leave I will only have 30 of the 60 ammo I went in with. 2. I laid near a rock and got my legs stuck inside it for several minutes, enough wiggling I eventually got out. Map with the church in the mountains I can't remember the name. 3. In a duo I killed a guy in a bush who had the air drop and I was unable to loot his body, and I had paid crowns to boost the airdrop so that's a bit annoying. Other than that it's been running smooth since the server maintenance last night.
  9. Vbcxc

    Ammo that has no compatible weapons

    From what I've seen those 2 ammo types currently have no weapon in game. Not sure if this is aloud here, if not a mod can remove it, but if you have more questions get on twitch and watch skattyXcL's stream. He'll gladly answer questions as he's a partner with vigor.
  10. Vbcxc

    weapon blueprints

    I think it'd be nice if you could get blueprint fragments from deconstructing guns, like 10+ deconstructs could get you a full blue print. That way you can get them somehow other than crates but it'll still take alot of luck and time.
  11. Vbcxc

    Anyone else get really mad?

    Ahhh, you must be new to Bohemia games. It feels bad because this game has so much potential and I know me and others have been waiting for this style game to hit Xbox. It could be great but it'll most likely die due to terrible mechanics and the devs not doing anything about it. I stopped playing DayZ for this very fact, its too broken and the devs keep adding stuff instead of fixing stuff.
  12. Vbcxc

    Weapon zero

    Why do all the weapons shoot unrealistically low? To get a headshot even within 15 meters I have to aim half the height of my sights or more above the enemies head. This is incredibly unrealistic and makes gun fights at any range a complete RNG game of who gets the lucky headshot first. Every handgun in the world (and most other games) operates on a 6 o'clock hold, but in vigor I have to hold 12 o'clock covering my entire target and just hope and wish. I tried to get a 1911 headshot on a completely still target from less than 15 feet yesterday and it missed, IT MISSED. How, how is this even possible.