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Posts posted by _Unnamed_

  1. 14 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

    It's generally easy to work with and i think is better as well since you are adding your personal work !


    I don't know if you are familiar with editing ( pics ) , i'm using a free program called GIMP :


    it might be not like photoshop , though it's very good !



    Yeah I'm using GIMP and must agree that for a free software it's really good.

    • Like 2

  2. 25 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


    If you notice in all my scripts i always write :





    GF Visors , will simulate wearing helmets and goggles.
    You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this!
    Simple and easy to use and adapt .
    Have Fun !



    That's what happens when you read diagonally. 😀


    23 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

    Here are also some more samples if you want to mess with :

      Reveal hidden contents




    Excellent, thanks ! I'm gonna take a look at that tomorrow.

    • Haha 1

  3. 1 hour ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


    Hello there _Unnamed_ and thank you very much , but to be honest i don't really understand , plus i don't own the Contact DLC.

    Is there a picture or somehow ?


    My bad I really didn't explain well 😛


    here's a screen      


    In fact I was talking about the teammate icons / order menu / weapon display being hidden behind the 'mask' effect. I tried messing  semi-randomly with the 'GF_Visors_HPP.hpp' but didn't get a good result. Nothing related to contact dlc, just it adds gasmasks so it's a good dlc to use this script.

    • Like 1

  4. I made it to the mission 4 this far and I'm really enjoying it. The ambience is really awesome great work !


    BUT there's one thing really killing my experience.. performances !!   I mean I play since ofp and I'm used to the fps drops,  but there seems to be a real issue with the campaign I'm getting very low fps average not even a question of drops, it just stays low ( excepted in middle of nowhere ) and changing graphical settings don't seem to actually affect fps ( even setting the upscale from 100 to 75% didn't give me more than 1 ou 2 fps ). By low I mean something like 20fps average instead of 40.

  5. Hello everybody, sorry for the necro but I recently started creating missions and stumbled upon this pack and really love it this far. But i've got one issue that drives me crazy.


    So i'm using the randomsector script and put gamelogics all around Malden. Everything works fine excepted that every time I get a task that's more than 2km away I got an anoying hint on the top right of the screen which says "Target too far, AI idling" with a little hint sound.


    At first I thought that was ok, but infact once it starts showing up it nevers quit on showing up every few seconds until mission ends, even if I get to the task location.

    I spend a few hours in the differents scripts and reading the pages of this thread but didn't found anything about that.


    I also tried to switch AI patrol type from hunting player to guard zone thinking it was the cause, but no differences. I've also used zeus to check if the ai is indeed idling and they seem to do their patrols.


    If anybody knows how to hide this hint, last precision I execute the defaut code in player's init

    nul = [100, [gameLogic01,gameLogic02,gameLogic03]] execVM "randomSectors1.sqf"; #with obviously more gamelogics but this code

    Here's a screenshot on steam
