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Posts posted by Eggitheegg

  1. 47 minutes ago, sarogahtyp said:



    private _classnames = ["your_object_type_1_classname", "your_object_type_2_classname", "your_object_type_3_classname", "your_object_type_4_classname" ];
    private _position_trigger = position your_trigger_name;
    private _radius = your_search_radius;
    if ( nearestObjects [_position_trigger, _classnames, _radius, true] isEqualTo []) then
     hint "Everything is clean now.";


    Thanks for the fast response will you be able to explain the first 3 lines though? 

  2. I'm making a garbage man type of mission, basically you need to clean camp maxwell, the only thing I need now is to make the trigger check if everything inside it has been cleaned (basically deleted) I used the addAction command in combination with the deleteVehicle command to "clean" the objects. (also every object inside the trigger has the name rock followed by a number if it somehow helps you help me) I need the trigger to check if every object was deleted and if every object was in fact deleted then complete the mission.


  3. 33 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

    - add a trigger close to the table (I don't know your scenario so I'll script for something working, not on what you could need exactly)

    - set a small area like 10m radius

    - trigger is anyPlayer present as preset condition, not repeatable

    - on condition:   thisList findIf {"SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag" in magazines _x} > -1

    - on activation: hint "you've got a satchel charge"


    There are other solutions, without trigger, just event handler:

    player addEventHandler ["take", {
      if (_this #2 isEqualTo "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag") then {
        hint "you've got a satchel charge";
        player removeEventHandler ["take",_thisEventHandler];



    Thank you! the trigger worked perfectly! you're a real life saver!

  4. 24 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

    Your table is on uneven terrain. Try to make it level and play with the height as I wrote.

    You can't really add a name on explosive satchel because it's a magazine (stringed) inside a weaponholder (object). What you can do is checking if a player has this kind of magazine in the inventory.

    Oh I can do that? How? 

  5. 42 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

    Did you report the name of the table (as shown in example) inside of the script?

    SetVehicleVarName??? what for?


    Test also different values for vectorAdd. [0,0,1] means one meter above the position.

    Yep the name of the table is the same it works, it does spawn on the table but it just doesn't stay on the table. and I want to use SetVehicleVarName to give the explosive a name (so I can make a task to pick it up). I'll try changing the values. Also excuse me if I seem a little bit noobish, its the first time I'm doing something like this. and again thanks for your help and patience!

  6. 1 hour ago, pierremgi said:

    The simplest:

    name the camping table: yourTable


    if (isServer) then {
      yourTable spawn {
        private _wh = createVehicle ["weaponHolderSimulated_scripted",getpos _this vectorAdd [0,0,1],[],0,"can_collide"];
        _wh addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",1]



    When it spawns it just falls from the table in weird unnatural way, any idea why? and also can I use the setVehicleVarName command with this?

  7. 13 hours ago, pierremgi said:

    Place a game logic (F5 logic entities objects in editor)

    In init field of this logic:

    if (isServer) then {
      this spawn {
        private _wh = createVehicle ["weaponHolderSimulated_scripted",getpos _this,[],0,"can_collide"]; 
        _wh addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",1]


    Note: If your player is "explosiveSpecialist" as trait, (player setUnitTrait "explosiveSpecialist") and has a ToolKit, he can dearm, then pick the satchel up.

    Thank you! you're a real life saver! but can I ask one more thing? how do I make it spawn on an object? a Small Camping Table for example?

  8. Hello I've started working on a small mission yesterday, but I've encountered one small thing that I couldn't resolve by myself or find anywhere how to do so. In my mission you get a task to pick up an Explosive Satchel. the problem is it spawns as enabled which means I can't pick it up, and it acts as if it was planted. Thank you for whoever sees this and decides to help.

  9. 6 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

    Ok, how many games do you have installed on either drive?

    Also again are they HDD or SSD's?


    my main drive is an SSD and my second drive is a HDD, I have 43 installed games on the second drive and probably 3 games on the main drive

  10. 4 hours ago, Eggitheegg said:

    Nothing works, I Tried Everything Except The First One, I Can't do it steam gives me an Error whenever I try to move the install folder, 


    I forgot to mention that I have only two drives my steam is on the main one but the games are on the second one, 

    so steam couldn't create new directory's.

  11. 8 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

    Hello welcome to BI Forums!

    Follow this video, how to fix a corrupt disk, with this you'll need to relocate the install to a new drive, and then scan the drive that

    is being read as corrupt, the video demonstrates a step by step process on what to do, hope it helps:

    Once you have it sorted out, let us know if your issue was fixed and if the video helped

    as its important for anyone else who may have the same issue find a fix as well. Cheers!

    Nothing works, I Tried Everything Except The First One, I Can't do it steam gives me an Error whenever I try to move the install folder, 


  12. This Problem Started about 2 Months ago, Basically what happens is when I install mods the game starts updating (like normal) but it stops and says ''CORRUPT DISK'' 


    I've tried to uninstall the game and install it again a couple of times, changing the download region. nothing helped, couldn't change the directory of the game for some reason tho.
