Hey Firewill, I was talking with some friends about Vietnam war CAS aircraft and was wondering if you plan to do some "Slow" flying jets like the A-37 Dragonfly? Cheers
BTW your aircraft mods rocks, can't wait for the Prowler.
Hi, this may sound kinda crazy, but have you considered doing a C-172/T-41 Gunship with an m134 in the baggage compartment, something like a poor man´s spooky. Been talking with a friend and we think that this might work.
Hi @DSabre
Just wanted to congratulate you on this mod, it's beautifuly done. Recently did a campaign in North Africa with my community (Around 80 people, 6 Pilots) the Hurricanes work perfectly, never though that dogfights in Arma could be so much fun. Congratulations!
Btw Have you considered doing an F-86 Sabre in the military aviation mod?