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Everything posted by OzzyMeister

  1. OzzyMeister

    Blue Screen after a few minutes in game

    shadows is gpu, mostly the object detail is from cpu and the view distance, particles are gpu aswell
  2. OzzyMeister

    Blue Screen after a few minutes in game

    guys i have the same problem i5 9400f 16gb ram ddr4 2400mhz corsair gtx 1660 6gb 550w psu vs550 corsair my temps are all fine, i m running it on ultra at a steady 60 fps on koth 90+ i experienced this problem mostly on RP and exile and idk what to do i changed the launch parameters intel tbb4 and all that stuff hopefully it won t happen again i m kinda scared that my pc is the fault here but all the parts are brand new just bought em 2 weeks ago