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Everything posted by Vald77r

  1. Vald77r


    As far as I remember, on/off worked differently before - damage and rust were not the same thing. If there is some global command for spawning vehicles to disable rusty textures - please write.
  2. Vald77r


    The "vehicle damages" function is broken in the vehicles module. It doesn't matter if the function is on or off because the cars that always appear are rusty. Is there a command to fix this?
  3. Vald77r


    I solved this problem by disabling "Ambient Furnitures" and installing the Tinter-Furniture mod.
  4. Vald77r


    Sure, I have additional mods installed, but the first few in-game days there are no problems. I can’t complain about mods since I change them periodically (from my list) and the effect is the same. The only thing that still raises questions for me is the VcomAI mod. But thanks for the idea with ambient furniture. Need to try.
  5. Vald77r


    Hi. Can anyone help with some advice? After 3-4 game days, the game begins to freeze significantly near individual buildings and settlements. In this case, the overall FPS can be even higher than 60.9
  6. Vald77r


    Thanks for clarifying.
  7. Vald77r


    Hello. Will there be updates to Ravage? I ask because there is still more than one year until the release of the next ARMA, but I would like to play. A new map, Yulakia, has been released, but it does not work with Ravage because... loot does not appear in buildings, and it is minimal outside. Yes, even on old maps like Chernarus there are completely empty buildings. Also, the function of night camps has been broken a long time ago. Extend the life of long-suffering Arma3.
  8. Vald77r


    Is it possible to fix the appearance of rusty vehicles and add the ability for bots to use weapons with an underbarrel grenade launcher (bots do not have ammunition)?
  9. Vald77r


    Thanks, the problem was in the Survival Module. I have a new version, but I copied all the modules from the old mission, so there was a problem.
  10. Vald77r


    The sleeping bag is working.
  11. Vald77r


    Only SP.
  12. Vald77r


    I can not use the Foldet Tent. When unpacking, it is not in the 'Sleep' menu. Is this just my problem?
  13. Vald77r


    Are there plans to support dlc Contact?
  14. Vald77r


    In the 'vehicle' module is error. Vehicles are always visually retextured.
  15. Vald77r


    No, I checked without mods - all the same. I'll wait from haleks hotfix
  16. Vald77r


    The damage coefficient works, but killing zombies in the head is now heavier than in the body. Modifications only CBA, ASR AI3, Enhanced Movement and Enhanced Inventory.
  17. Vald77r


    I would like to add to the incorrect model of zombie damage that the 'vehicle damage' option does not work for the 'vehicle' module - vehicles are always visually retextured.
  18. Vald77r


    No error? I tried many times and I can definitely say that in the body of a zombie it is easier to kill than in the head. Is this how it should be?
  19. Vald77r


    Thank. English is not my native language I could misunderstand.
  20. Vald77r


    "New : Added a damage coef parameter to the zombie module." I am sorry, but I can not find this option. How is it called in the module?
  21. Vald77r


    I understand this and do not say that haleks is to blame. But it would be cool to have a module where you could tweak the likelihood of a patrol (list of cars), rare meetings (list of cars).
  22. Vald77r


    Need to correct / change the behavior of car patrols. There is a place in Altis where they go all the time, with short breaks - you get tired of shooting. This not normal.
  23. Vald77r


    You are funny to me now too, but the truth is this - I created a mission without cars, only motorcycles added. On foot, I walked for hours, ran away from the zombies, barely found the wheel, the tool and then the long-awaited motorcycle and could not repair it - it was a fiasco.😂
  24. Vald77r


    It is impossible to put / repair a wheel of a motorcycle from the DLC GM - there is no such function in the menu.
  25. Vald77r


    60 for the city is normal. But when the crowd appears on the site with a small number of buildings (as in the screenshot), it looks crazy.