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Everything posted by b00ce

  1. Because it's NodUnit and Franzes' model, they're donating it to PR. I'm sure it will be skinned to go with the British units. (All the text you see is modeled on for now, used as a placeholder and reference point for the texture) More info here. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107995
  2. Starting to work my way down the fuselage. The dropship isn't dead.
  3. You could have particles colored respectively for the rocket effect and have an invisible model or something.
  4. b00ce


    I would LOVE to see a massive canyon with a big winding river in it like the end of the video. I would jizz in my pants flying NOE through it with an Apache.
  5. More than well aware, I play around with it a lot. :p Vilas' addon inspired me to do this, at first it was going to be just the dropship for the APC. In the course for reference hunting for the dropship, I came across a treasure trove of other stuff, IE the Pulse Rifle, flame thrower, smart gun, VP-70, APC, Helmets, Armor and clothing, tanks, artillery and other variants of the APC (From the CM:tech manual), headsets, the works. So, I decided to make the whole USCM arsenal. I didn't want to make the Dropship, armor, pilots, tank drivers, etc. and have him fill in the gaps, it wouldn't look right. :)
  6. Small update of the Dropship. I haven't been neglecting it... too much. :p Finally happy with the engine intakes, the thing I was stuck on.
  7. b00ce

    Predator Mod

    Aliens you say? I totally hadn't planned on making them (Mostly because of the scripting nightmare that comes with it.), but DAMN. So I take it there will be the full life cycle? (Egg, facehugger, chestburster, adult?) Will corpses be dragged back to the lair by aliens? Or will facehuggers have to be roaming around? Will the eggs be sensitive to proximity and unleash the facehuggers when an un-suspecting person gets too close? Will the blood do damage? I have too many questions. That's a massive undertaking, and I do not envy you. Thank you for that extra little incentive to get my stuff done. :D
  8. b00ce

    WarFX Particles

    I was just saying I want it when it's done. No later. :p
  9. Yet another early WIP; only 655 points and 681 faces so far, but that's the nature of the beast. :p Edit: P.s. It fits. :D http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M557-APC/APC-DS.jpg
  10. b00ce

    WarFX Particles

    No, you do. :p I want it as soon as it's done. lol
  11. I know how you feel man... :( I saw a guy trying to drive over the curb because he thought it was an exit from 711 while I was walking to the bus stop to go out to PLU. :confused: Then I heard stories of people being dumb-asses, stomping on the gas and spinning their tires. :rolleyes: And you know what really grinds my gears? Busses with chains on, driving over pavement. Really loud, and the vibrations... >_< But it was worth it. ;) lol P.s. My boots have no traction on ice. :rolleyes:
  12. Having a good stay at home day, eh Nou? :p Things working perfectly over here at TFB; I'm sure Attridge has been stroking your ego enough as is, though. :rolleyes:
  13. b00ce

    BD Tracer Lights

    I'm running 1.55, no beta, and threw it in my FX mod folder with WarFX. Works perfectly. Do you have it in the addons folder within the @whatever? That update came in a beta for 1.54. Needless to say, it's in 1.55. ;)
  14. b00ce

    WarFX Particles

    He's tweaking and configuring for optimal awesomeness.
  15. It's WarFX. Hopefully this will be fixed in BastCore.
  16. I use O2, free, effective, and it's from BIS. There's documentation everywhere, and it's pretty simple (The modeling bit anyway). You put points down and connect them with faces. It's essentially a 3d version of connect the dots. :p
  17. I understand that the only differences were the super-shader and normals. I was saying arma 1 ports don't stack up against the often refurbished arma 2 models. It's a fact, that even you admitted. :) My M41 has less than 1500 points and faces respectively (1294 points and 1446 faces) (and my dropship, so far, has less than 2000 all around (1783 points and 1876 faces)), FYI. I think it's important to keep poly count as low as possible, it's an interesting and fun challenge to make it look like there are more faces than there really are. (I did this all the time in source with my level design, as faces are a finite resource in the long run.) I wasn't talking about the models being made improperly for ArmA, I was talking about them being different form the source material. The sight channel on the M41, for example, is too wide; it seems like there is no taper going from the middle of the gun to the top. (See linked image below) Don't get me started on the rest of it. :p It's nothing against you, I just have a ton of references for just about everything (246mb of images dedicated to the USCM, .pdfs and what not) and can spot little details a mile off. http://alienscollection.com/behindthescenes/aliens/cast/aliensbtsfrostsmall.jpg I am a purist when it comes to replicating something, and I feel the only way I'm going to get exactly what I want is if I do it myself; and that is why I must respectfully decline a joint venture for the time being. :) As for the AVP mod. I'm not too keen on AVP. I love Alien, and I love Predator, but the series have gotten out of hand, on screen and in game. I've lost respect for it, and both the Alien and Pred story-lines get butchered by the merge. (Just my 2 cents) Also, ammocrate, because the default ArmA crates don't fit my theme. :rolleyes:
  18. You could always learn how to do it. :)
  19. I've actually had that pack for quite some time, it's the reason I started to make the USCM stuff (ArmA1 quality doesn't stand up to ArmA2 and there are some continuity errors with your models, no offense.). So far, I've only worried about making the models as accurate, efficient and pretty as I can. I planned on learning things as I went, right now I have a lot to learn and I'm really looking forward going neck deep in it. And yes, I did make the model, I've been posting WIP shots in this thread over the past week or so, I'm quite proud of it. :p I'd love to get some one on one help, I'm pretty self sufficient once I know what I'm doing (When I actually work, that is.) So far, most tutorials have proven confusing at worst and a slight help at best; UV mapping falling into the former category. I'd really like to take this venture as an opportunity to learn, and get a kickass faction as a bonus. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to get some help from you, and other addon-makers for that matter. Well, frankly, I need it because tutorials are difficult to understand some times. I was planning on doing this project on my own, at least until I find out that I cannot do something no matter how hard I try, how many tips I get and how many tutorials I read, then going the way of RKSL where I find a person dedicated to, save for example, scripting. (Which I may need beyond the configs.) But I at least want to step up to bat and give it a try first. :)
  20. I've been looking at tutorials, so far I think I have the muzzle positioned right, but other than that, I can't say. I'll do some more tutorial browsing and then ask if I can't find anything. Also, the M41a and the Dropship are just the tip of the iceberg, I plan on doing a whole host of other weapons and vehicles from the UCSM arsenal.
  21. Well, yeah. But I mean I know NOTHING about making a weapon, other than making the model itself... Hell I don't even know how to UV map yet... :icon_rolleyes:
  22. Now all I need to figure out is how to UV map, make it shoot, among all the other scripting stuffs... :confused:
  23. I wish I were that good a modeling/ extracting info from reference images. Life would be so much easier for me. Good job. Can't wait to crash some poor bastards' party from miles away, and then road trip to check the damage with this thing.