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Everything posted by b00ce

  1. I... Uh... We could MP test it for you... If you want that is... :D We've always wanted something with a working Co-pilot. Well, I have at least. :p
  2. Its not in danger of dieing, don't worry about that. ;)
  3. b00ce

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    If anything, its going to get harder with the implementation of the Take on Heli's flight dynamics. If anything, in ArmA 3 what is in ArmA 2 currently is going to be "easy" mode if there is one. Describe your issue with rolling over, I've never had a problem with it...
  4. It already has manual gear. ;) Doors not so much though.
  5. Rock, was that cannon in your sig for an AH-1something?:eek:
  6. He was talking about the list of features for the Merlin that Rock/UNN were developing.
  7. It'll get updated when Rock re-does his website after he finishes the Tornado. If I remember correctly, he has an update ready for this and his Lynx and Puma.
  8. They could also use the YAK-38. But I don't think BIS is going to limit themselves to just VTOL planes. It would be kind of pointless to have them if there's a MASSIVE runway. I think both sides should have traditional fixed wing so that one side can "Own" the air field and it having some usefulness, like having C-130s or A-10Cs (Please BIS) or Eastern equivalents.
  9. Gaaah! Now you got me interested in Minecraft... First ArmA, now this. :D
  10. I honestly can't tell whether you're trolling or not... :confused:
  11. When you say "slowly" you mean you've been doing more testing than actually working on it? ;) I know how that is. I jizzed in my pants when I got my Pulse rifle in game for the first time a few days ago. Work since then has been... slow... for me as well. :p
  12. I was talking more about the people with entitlement issues and how they think things should be their way and they have a hissy fit if it isn't. A safeguard against starting a game with the wrong difficulty is make the default setting what you want. Or, and this is a crazy idea, make every difficulty setting the same. :p That said, I have never seen the accidental selecting of an improper difficulty setting ruin a game. Ever. Even at that, its rare to select the wrong difficulty. I vote keep it the same as it has been since OFP. Cross hair and 3rd person by default. See: I'm not saying you can or can't, I'm saying you should be able to have as many options as possible when it comes to difficulty settings. That way you can tweak and make sure everything is to your liking and fills your needs for how your community plays. True, I was thinking more about peeking over things... I'm guilty of that from time to time... Well, mostly all the time... :rolleyes:
  13. b00ce

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    There's only going to be one airfield and the island is going to be mostly deserted, so there isn't going to be a need for a 747 sized civilian plane. As for the planes, helicopters and security personnel, that's a mission maker's deal. ;)
  14. I don't understand why people demand things that they "personally don't think" should/should not be in the game. It seems to be an all too common phrase BIS should be broadening their player base, not limiting it to the "hard core simmers" (I consider myself to be in this category, so don't get me wrong here). I am a firm believer in choice a person/community should be able to choose what settings fit them. I love how scalable Armed Assault is, you can go from playing ridiculously realistic to pretty arcady, which is GREAT because the game never stagnates. Its very rare that a single game can offer such a diverse game experience, and it would be a shame if that were ruined. 3rd person has a purpose, if not just looking at pretty models some dude in a basement made. It adds situational awareness (PvP people claim its cheating, however it works both ways. ;) ) by drawing your view out slightly, giving a little peripheral vision. I understand the intent of OP is to decide what settings are default, but it seems like others don't. Frankly, it doesn't matter because server admins will/should customize difficulty levels to suit their preferences and needs. I think BIS should play eenie meenie miney moe and pick one arbitrarily.
  15. Nice, he's a lot farther than I am. But he's also using the freeware model. :p That model was a wreck, which is why I started fresh.
  16. I wasn't around in ArmA 1... :rolleyes: Work has been slow due to running around as CDF (Lolcamo) with my Pulse rifle. Also, RO2 came out. :p
  17. Sorry, no sonic electronic ball breakers, nukes, knives or sharp sticks. :( As a lifeguard, I need to make my kill joy quota, my boss says no fun allowed. :p Edit: In game shots! 1st person http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/ArmA2OA2011-09-1302-32-13-44.png 3rd person http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/ArmA2OA2011-09-1302-36-30-02.png Irons http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/booce/ArmA%20II/Aliens/M-41a/ArmA2OA2011-09-1302-31-34-50.png Is it weird that I was incredibly giddy when I saw it in game for the first time? :D
  18. Most of those were probably me. lol :rolleyes:
  19. Potentially. At the very least you'll see different grenade types. As for other equipment, I have the following planned for sure: Thermal monocle M41A Pulse rifle Grenades: HEAP Bounding FRAG Buckshot WP Incendiary Flares [*]M56 Smart gun [*]VP70 Pistol [*]The shotgun [*]M42 Sniper rifle [*]M5 RPG [*]M83 SADAR (Shoulder-launched Active-homing Disposable Anti-tank Rocket) [*]M112 HIMAT (Hypervelocity Intelligent Missile, Anti-Tank) [*]Mines [*]M78 PIG (Phased-plasma Infantry gun) [*]M240 Flamethrower The two that are red are kind of iffy due to possible engine limitations. Vehicles: UD-4L Cheyenne Dropship Missiles/Rockets: Mk 16 150mm FFAR Mk 10 70mm FFAR Mk 88 SGW AGM-220 AGM-204 TSAM (Threat Suppression Attack Missile) AIM-90 Headlock [*]M557 APC [*]M579 "Daisycutter" (AA version of the APC) [*]M22 Jackson Medium Tank [*]M40 Ridgway Heavy tank [*]M292 Self-propelled Howitzer (158mm) All the stuff you've never heard of is from the Colonial Marine Tech Manual. I did not make the silly acronyms. :p
  20. This kind. Its temporary until I can think of something better. I'm contemplating having a version with a reflex sight, and I have an idea on how to do it so you have paralax but not be able to see it when not looking down the sights. More to come later. :D
  21. Took a hiatus, got re-inspired, so here I am again. Took care of some lighting issues, still some more to chase down, as you can see. added shadow volume, geometry and memory LODs, added a zasleh (Obviously) Waiting to UV map the son of a bitch to do the detail LODs. Any good tutorials for UV mapping in O2? :confused: And I have no idea how to do any of the model.cfg or scripting stuffs, otherwise this screen would have been in game (I think). :o
  22. b00ce

    New ARMA3.com website with new Intel

    I didn't see any clouds over the sun. Edit:
  23. b00ce

    New ARMA3.com website with new Intel

    Why indeed! It may have been annoying, but it was realistic. :(