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B.A. Baracus

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About B.A. Baracus

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  1. B.A. Baracus

    UAV/DRONE bug

    that what lex saying is what i was thinking!
  2. B.A. Baracus

    UAV/DRONE bug

    ok,on server discord they sad that is bug! neverminde,but can it be done that one drone is for one controller? i mean i play wasteland on a green side,and than people who hates you because you using game stuff and gear for advantage steal uav, i mean if you buy drone and you can get advantage,but no,better is to steal and crash!
  3. B.A. Baracus

    UAV/DRONE bug

    Hi Recently while playing wasteland somebody from indipendet(green side) stole my drone! i understand that there is bug which allows players by fraction to control their side uavs! is there some way to stop that? it woud be great if would controller be connected to my drone! like this i can only buy UAV termilan and whait to somebody deploy drone so i can steal it! is it plausible to somehow lock drone to one player?