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Posts posted by kullwarrior

  1. I noticed the cleanup system on the redux is a bit extreme, I have ai bodies disappear in front of me as I'm walking to replace my item, it makes it much more difficult to the initial phase of the game especially when you're playing low players (often the case)

  2. This occurred with complete air dominance for a whole hour -where BLUFOR actively down enemy air and armor on a consistent basis. I was on OPFOR side when another player admitted that he's was abusing the glitch (did not respond whether he know how to trigger the glitch)

    11 hours ago, Beagle said:

    I regularly send over sums of 30.000- 50.000 CP to other players. CP accumulates a lot if you keep your units alive and avoid the respawn war with a standoff fire support role.

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    7 hours ago, CaptainDawson said:


    Sure, I've accumulated over 100k by conserving and getting donations, and even 500k instantly in CP transfer glitch. But how many Shikras are you talking about Kullwarrior? While I have never seen this with Shikras, I have seen it in action on Blufor. I've been able to spawn waves of Blackwasps with the glitch without using any CP and was only limited by the max vehicle count. That match a couple months ago where I offered everyone a free Blackwasp (to test my theory of infinite CP) was hilarious, Opfor was so salty, as if they weren't taking advantage of the game themselves. If I was inclined to cheat intentionally I could eventually figure out how to reproduce the unlimited CP glitch, since there were a few things all the instances had in common. Thankfully I don't think there are any players yet who use this intentionally (to the best of my knowledge), there are only those who accidentally find the glitch and exploit it since it requires an action most Warlords players wouldn't normally try intentionally. Suspect it has something to do with the timing of being afk, auto-kick, and disconnect/reconnect, and creating some kind of paradox where the CP is incalculable.


    And again, removing or at least giving us some reasonable counter to the jet spam in Warlords (besides spawn camping Molos and AAC) would solve this issue even if we never find the reason for the CP glitch. Since it only works on Aircraft and Helis anyways. Nearly every match I play now the experienced Blufor players feel obligated to fly across the map and camp the Molos aircraft spawns because it seems that is the only way to give your team a fair chance against the jet spam.


    It was eight shikra spawn at once with multiples in the air, this was when the OPFOR income was at ~300/min, X12-15 players with total of 4 hours progressed in-game

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  4. So a few pages back I recall Kestral mentioning a bug where you income becomes unlimited, over the past week I noticed there are three incidences of someone calling air assets (sheer volume of Shikras) that simply isn't possible (based on the mathematics of income).

    1) Are the Dev aware of such glitch?

    2) Is there any fixes coming up for it?

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  5. Any chance we can see V-44X Blackfish vehicle transport for BLUFOR side to improve BLUFOR's armoured capabilities? At present the BLUFOR APC is pretty crappy in comparison against AAF or OPFOR having vehicle transport capability can improve the issue. This can easily be balanced by enabling OPFOR to choose between infantry and vehicle transport variant of xian.

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