a few days ago i downloaded Arma 3 again and everything was going well. At some point I closed my game and opened it back up after a few minutes and joined an official server and my game just froze after 5 minutes. Im not able to close it with task manager because the frozen game is always in front of everything. To close the game i have to restart my whole computer. Sometimes i still hear sound and see the ingame mous but i cant click anything... I have tried reinstalling the game but it did not help. I also disabled analytics but this also didnt do anything. I also reinstalled my grphics drivers, still no change. Im playing without mods, just vanilla.
My specs:
MSI Z370 Gaming Pro Carbon
GTX 1060 6GB
Game on a 240GB SSD.
I have looked around the forum but wasnt able to find a helping solution. Im very thankful for every suggestion that will be made and hopefulle this issue will be resolved soon.