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About ObsceneNickname

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  1. ObsceneNickname

    I can't publish my mod 'cause of naked woman.

    Hmm, clever simile, Dedmen. Maybe... murder and theft are moral abominations sedimented in people's mind over millenia which effects and consequences are easily understood. Mods uploading on Steam Workshop on the other hand... But hey, let's compare sh*t and chocolate: they're both brown. I've internalized ACE EULA now. I browse the workshop and I look to all those sinners... I appreciate your honesty. That was my first upload to workshop ever. I was (and I still am) a noob of these things. I did a mistake and I did it unintentionally so I did what I felt I had to: to explain myself, to apologize and - why not - to ask the non-application of the sentence. If you still doubt the genuinity of my behaviour that's ok (even if I would invite you to humanly feel my stupidity). Thank you anyway for your attention and time.
  2. ObsceneNickname

    I can't publish my mod 'cause of naked woman.

    Yes, that was childish and I feel stupid and very sorry about that. However I never meant to offend noone and/or to cause trouble to anyone (actually I just genuinely thought noone would have never seen my mod at all except my friends who seem they tolerate me); and my nickname is.. well, it's fine. xD I don't think so because Steam just allowed me to upload the mod with the stupid naked woman. I did that on 19th late night (two days ago). On 20th morning (very few hours later) I had messages that my mod was inappropriate and I tried to fix that but I'm just unable to do anything with "Publisher" now. They just never gave me the possibility to fix that. There are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of custom ACE and ACEX mods on the workshop. My mods were a drop in the ocean. I just wanted an easy way to share ACE and ACEX with custom module selection. Even in the ACE's website they invite you to use custom module selection. Without publishing on the workshop we have to upload every time on some file transfer website :( That said, If I can be forgiven for this childish behaviour (if I can have my privilege to upload to the workshop back again) I would be very grateful. I remember you I'm not a serial troll/spammer. I just posted a stupid thing once and I think I learned the lesson. Any offense was TOTALLY unintentional. Thank you anyway for your attention. Have a nice Christmas Holiday
  3. ObsceneNickname

    I can't publish my mod 'cause of naked woman.

    Exactly as you guessed I fear
  4. Hello, I published some modified version of ACE and ACEX on the workshop to use and share with close friends in easy way. I used an erotic pic with a naked woman. I didn't think it was a big deal 'cause it was just to internal use. I can't publish noth now. Can i please have the possibility to publish again? I will avoid naked woman. Thank you
  5. ObsceneNickname

    Assign custom init to all spawned unit

    I just want to say thank you again. davidoss, your tutorial was retard-proof; I love that. <3 I did some test and it work very well. pierremgi your "all in one" script looks very promising but I've still to test it. I will let you know soon for the sake of knowledge. :)
  6. ObsceneNickname

    Assign custom init to all spawned unit

    P.S. I'm still very confused about this :/
  7. ObsceneNickname

    Assign custom init to all spawned unit

    pierremgi, thank you for your clarifications. Your last post made me smile a bit :) Since I wouldn't know how to find and how to edit the spawn scripts ( I use zeus and Alive mod principally for spawning ), I would use the first script kindly provided by davidoss or the second script (the one in the init.sfq) kindly provided by you :) I'm glad to hear that there's no need to avoid every form of scheduled code and I think the performance's advantages of one or another methods will be very hard to measure. :/ This regard, I've this: if (!isServer) exitWith{}; //--- wait for world to initialize sleep 60; //--- allows to edit and see units only from own side while {true} do { sleep 10; { if !((side _x) == west) then { z_west removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true]; //removes editable enemy units and vehicles on map for zeus west }; if !((side _x) == east) then { z_east removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true]; //removes editable enemy units and vehicles on map for zeus east }; if !((side _x) == independent) then { z_guer removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true]; //removes editable enemy units and vehicles on map for zeus independent }; } foreach allUnits + vehicles; }; which is a script that hide from specific curators the objects that don't belong to his side. I would like to use this in some Zeus vs Zeus vs Zeus mission. Can I use this script even with lowered sleep time or it should be converted in some way in order to use the EventHandler? Thank you all
  8. ObsceneNickname

    Assign custom init to all spawned unit

    I didn't notice lagg but I didn't perform yet a stress test with a lot of ai spawning at the same time. I'm a noob and ask you forgivness if I make dumb questions. I read somewhere scripts with "sleep *some number*" should be avoided 'cause they just get spammed in a regular intervals but I'm absolutely not sure if this is the case with the pierremgi's script.
  9. ObsceneNickname

    Assign custom init to all spawned unit

    Hello pierremgi, thank you for your answer. which script should I use? which one is less "laggy"? :)
  10. ObsceneNickname

    Assign custom init to all spawned unit

    davidoss, you're a hero! :D It worked perfectly! Thank you. What do you mean by "this should be a function"? Can you help me "making" one? I fear I'm definitely too noob to understand that. It seems you're super skilled in scripting, can i take advantage of that and ask you another thing regarding the eventHandler? Thank you anyway :)
  11. ObsceneNickname

    Assign custom init to all spawned unit

    I appreciate the super fast help davidoss but sadly that didn't work :( I tried it in a listening server (the one you can launch through the eden editor) and it doesn't work. It gives me on-screen errors. (https://ibb.co/noBD6L here's a link to a screenshot of the in-game errors)
  12. Hello guys, I've this piece of code which just is a "damage reduction" script. this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _unit = _this select 0; _selection = _this select 1; _damage = _this select 2; if (_selection == "?") exitWith {}; _curDamage = damage _unit; if (_selection != "") then {_curDamage = _unit getHit _selection}; _newDamage = _damage - _curDamage; _damage - _newDamage * 0.80 }]; Now, how can i assign this script to be used on all the units? I mean even spawned ones with various methods (Zeus, Alive mod, other spawn scripts) ? I read I've to put this in my mission's description.ext class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class Man { init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'my_script.sqf')"; }; }; and then just create the "my_script.sqf" file with the lines of code I want to put in all units' init (in this case the damage reduction script above-written). But sadly this method didn't work for me. Do you know how to assign a init to all spawned units? I'm so tired of manually edit all the unit xD Thank you in advance.