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Posts posted by Fireball1361

  1. On 16/11/2018 at 4:17 AM, False Cracker said:

    Only able to get one shot from the silver pigeon.  Sometimes, if I hip shoot the second shell will fire.  Sometimes I have to first person ads to get it to fire, then it won't reload with x.  Sumthin to work on....

    I think some people have said that it reloads the second shell if you jump. Haven't tried it myself so can't back those comments up. Worth a try though and might help until the devs fix it. 

  2. LS - Empty backpack to stash. 


    Normally I empty my loadout one item/stack at a time but tonight I tried using the left stick depress to empty backpack to stash as shown on the loadout screen. All I got was the cog icon, turning endlessly. I had to quit the game and reload it to cancel the action. 

  3. Thank you for answering my questions on the live stream this evening.

    I really appreciate the opportunity to ask questions and have them answered!


    I would have joined the chat during the stream but at 5pm GMT I was driving home. Could you consider doing the live stream either later in the evening or sometime at the weekend in future? I think you would get a larger audience at these times. 


    Thanks again, Andy. 

  4. Is there a possibility in the future of adding a counter that refers to how many players are actually in an encounter and running it in real time so the number counts down as people exit or die? 


    Also, do you have any thoughts about extending the length of each encounter? 


    Can you please shed some light on what appears to be a pathway through the rocks to the rear of the shelter, by the decking near the waterfall? 


    And just to say that I'm really enjoying playing and seeing Vigor develope! 


    Kind regards to you all. 

  5. Weapons can be crafted in two ways. 


    1. Weapon parts can be found in game and when you have enough parts for a particular weapon it can be crafted regardless of whether you own the blueprint or not.


    2. Blueprints can be found in Airdrops!

    If you manage to successfully take an airdrop containing a weapon blueprint and get out to your shelter alive, then you can craft that weapon at any time as long as you have enough materials to cover the cost.

  6. This morning at approximately 10:15 GMT UK, during an encounter on Draug Fort my luger stopped firing. I fired 3 shots in a fight then it wouldn't fire anymore. Mag was full and I was in ADS. 


    I died! 


    This is the second time that this has happened. 

  7. Not happening here. 

    Haven't had that issue since before the update that I can recall although I might not enter encounters as frequently as others. Entering the chosen map is usually quite quick, taking from between 1 and 5 minutes. 

  8. This crashing out of the game or the black screen happened to me far more before 0.6. Its only happened once to me since and I retained my load out.


    This is a 'Game Preview', expiriencing and reporting these issues is partly why we are here. I really like the game and appreciate the vast improvements made with the last update. It can only get better! 

  9. While exiting a match, the countdown to leaving the area reached 1 second and the game closed down and I found myself on the Xbox home screen. Vigor had to be launched again. After loading, all loot found and gun carried in the previous game was safely back at the shelter. Nothing was lost. 

  10. I've tried multiple times to start the game but it refuses load and gives the message "User can't play online". This mainly happens when initially entering the game before the shelter loads and also after choosing a destination from the map, if I can actually get that far. 

    I have tried restarting the game and console but it makes no difference.


    I'm on Xbox One S and my internet connection is solid.

  11. I can't get through the tutorial!

    I visit the three points of interest then when the notification of an airdrop appears I get kicked back to the beginning, in the tunnel with the statement 'Norway, 1991' etc. 

    I'll try one more time and if it doesn't progress any further I'll have to reinstall the game. 
