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Posts posted by marki980908

  1. 7 hours ago, pierremgi said:

    I tried that years ago (I was also on Armaholic at this time), and I remarked  that can't work because this outside vehicle pip is static and oriented. So, that kills any interest in game.


    To make it short, In Arma vanilla, where ever you place a vehicle with (wide) outside rear-view mirrors (jungle, urban, meadow...), and turn around the vehicle as player, you will see always the same picture (with the same Mediterranean house, same dirt way...).

    Not saying the pip mirror doesn't work once inside the vehicle!.. Just, there is an engine workaround for player pip view once outside of the vehicle, to give you the impress mirrors reflects the actual terrain, but... not.


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/adzjucekp2qeslc/ArmA 3 Screenshot 2020.09.16 -


    I dont really understand what you are saying, because I was driving around in the vehicle and image kept updating all the time.
    The only problem I am encountering is that it turns black once I enter zeus

  2. I would like to revive a discusson from armaholic from 6 years ago

    pipCam = "camera" camCreate getPos tank;
    pipCam camSetTarget tank; 
    pipCam camSetFov 0.25;
    pipCam cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK", "rendertarget0"];
    pipCam attachTo [tank, [0,0,15]];
    pipCam camCommit 0;
    tank setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(rendertarget0,1.0)­"];
    tank setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(rendertarget0,1.0)­"];
    tank setObjectTextureGlobal [2, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(rendertarget0,1.0)­"];

    This code basically spawn a camera above "tank" and replace "tank" texture with it creating active camo effect.



    But I am having problems with it:
    1. Every time I enter Zeus, it turns black
    2. How do I turn it off regularly?

    Anyone able to help?

  3. I have this code from another old ARMA 3 topic.


    action_interrogate = player addAction["Interrogate", { 
        0 = cursorTarget spawn interrogate
    }, nil, 1.5, false, true, "", " 
        (alive cursorTarget && side cursorTarget == civilian && {player distance cursorTarget < 3})

    directionText = {
        if ((_this > 22.5) && (_this <= 67.5)) exitWith {"NORTHEAST"};
        if ((_this > 67.5) && (_this <= 112.5)) exitWith {"EAST"};
        if ((_this > 112.5) && (_this <= 157.5)) exitWith {"SOUTHEAST"};
        if ((_this > 157.5) && (_this <= 202.5)) exitWith {"SOUTH"};
        if ((_this > 202.5) && (_this <= 247.5)) exitWith {"SOUTHWEST"};
        if ((_this > 247.5) && (_this <= 295.5)) exitWith {"WEST"};
        if ((_this > 295.5) && (_this <= 337.5)) exitWith {"NORTHWEST"};

    interrogate = {
        if (random 100 > 5) exitWith {systemChat "I don't feel like talking..."};

        private "_enemy";
        _enemy = { if (side _x == east || side _x == independent) exitWith {_x}; objNull } forEach (_this nearEntities [["Man", "Air", "Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank"],1000] - [player]);
        if (isNull _enemy) exitWith {systemChat "I've seen no baddies recently"};

        systemChat format["There is a %1 group of enemies to the %2 of here",
            call {
                private "_n";
                _n = count units group _enemy;
                switch true do {
                    case (_n > 8): {"massive"};
                    case (_n > 5): {"large"};
                    case (_n > 0): {"small"};
                    default "";
            ([_this,_enemy] call BIS_fnc_dirTo) call directionText

    It is well and all, but what I am looking for simply is: you addaction "interact" to a civilian, and than civilian will randomly reply with one of the few prewritten lines.
    I tried to change code above to something like this:


    action_interrogate = player addAction["Interact", { 
        0 = cursorTarget spawn interrogate
    }, nil, 1.5, false, true, "", " 
        (alive cursorTarget && side cursorTarget == civilian && {player distance cursorTarget < 3})

    interact = {
        if (random 100 > 5) exitWith {systemChat "I don't feel like talking..."};

    But it doesnt seem to work, also I would like this code to apply only to unit in whos init box I put the code in, not to all civilians.
    And I would like to be able to pre-write like 20 different lines AI could say
    Can anyone help?

    EDIT: Long story short I need a script, which would work like this: you approach curtain AI, scroll wheel, select "interact", and it will reply to you in chat with 1 out of X number of prewritten responses.

    EDIT: Found the answer!


    this addAction ["Interact", {systemChat (selectRandom 
    [ "Hello", "fuck off", "good day", "blabla" ])}, 
    nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "alive _originalTarget", 4, false, "", ""];


  4. Hello, I am trying to make fast roping possible on a RHS MI-24. But so far I am having no luck. What I found so far was this:


    ace_fastroping_enabled = 2;
    ace_fastroping_friesType = "ACE_friesGantry";
    ace_fastroping_friesAttachmentPoint[] = {0, 0, 0};
    ace_fastroping_onCut = "ace_fastroping_fnc_onCutCommon";
    ace_fastroping_onPrepare "ace_fastroping_fnc_onPrepareCommon";
    ace_fastroping_ropeOrigins[] = {"ropeOriginLeft", "ropeOriginRight"};



    ace_fastroping_enabled = 1;
    ace_fastroping_ropeOrigins[] = { {1, 1, 1}, {-1, -1, -1} };
    ace_fastroping_ropeOrigins[] = {"ropeOriginLeft", "ropeOriginRight"};

    Anyway, none of them seem to work for me
    Anyone have any idea how to make ACE or FRIES work for any vehicle in the game? Or to be more specific, MI-24G and MI-24P from RHS

  5. I don't know if you take suggestions, or you find them annoying, but still. Have you ever considered making a version of Yak-141? It was a soviet VTOL Jet fighter. The reason for my suggestion is that we have a lack of OPFOR (russian or csat or whatever) VTOL aircraft in Arma 3 modding in general. Workshop has dozens on F-35 and Harrier mods, but that is about it.
    There are a few blueprints online of this aircraft and a few "modern" reimaginings of it. I am just thinking of a usage for people who want to do carrier ops, but don't want to play for BLUFOR faction. Maybe even make it USS freedom catapult capatable.
    Modernised version:



    Real Life version:




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  6. 14 hours ago, Jackal326 said:

    The config files wont show squat unless the textures are set via hiddenselections. Your best bet is to manually browse the files and open any PAAs with a "LAPTOP SCREEN" sounding name...

    I went though it again and I found some sqf's called "texture finder" and it looks like that 3den manually searches for textures everytime, it does not hold them. But still thanks

  7. I want to replace laptop screens etc with pictures. But I am not interested in custom pictures(like all tutorials online tell you), I would be alright using the default ingame ones. Does anyone know any paths to any default images in arma 3?
    I would be using SetObjectTexture command.
    Server I play on prefers using zeus for everything instead of eden, and we have achilles aswell. So I would have no problem just executing commands on the go to replace textures.

  8. Ye, I would actually be very interested. I am no stranger to making insignia itself aswell as converting. I am just confused by the format. I mean like, which files tell the game which information. I looked at other people work, to figure out a template, but I am still not sure what defines names etc of each insignia and what not.
    Is there a way to contact you?

  9. Hello, I would like to make my own custom small insignia mod, however I am not really sure how to.
    Obviously I have though about ripping off other people mods of simular nature and just replacing textures, but I would like to learn it myself, etc.
    Is there anyone who would be able to direct me to a tutorial or help me with the project?

  10. Hey guys I have a question, are there any client side hud mods? One of the servers I play on doesnt have hud interface of a plane. And it makes it impossible to fly a vtol because you NEED to know the power your vtol is at. So are there any mods which would make like a small interface on the side of the screen with like power, fuel weapon selected etc?

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