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About derity@gmail.com

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  1. I haven't been playing much games recently, and I just realised that the Vigor Game Preview was out, so I thought sweet let me check it out, I'd wanted to try this game for a while, so I downloaded the game today, got the 2 Hour free Trial. Upon first launching the game, the first message I got was "Lost connection to Xbox Live", on the main menu of Vigor, whilst connected to Xbox Live. Doesn't seem to be any way of getting rid of this message, so I had to restart the game. After restarting the game, the next time the game actually worked, it let me pick my character and run through the initial section of the tutorial, after about 3 minutes of gameplay, I got kicked back to the main menu. "Lost connection to Xbox Live." Restarted my Xbox... restarted game again, played 3 minutes of tutorial again, "Lost connection to Xbox Live". At this point I gave up and played a different game I play, for over an hour, with zero connection problems. Decided to give Vigor another go, same problem arose. Since the game isn't seemingly saving any progress I decided to try and rush through the tutorial zone, so I did, I ran through the tutorial without looting anything and exited the tutorial, I got to my hideout and used the map to search for a match, I was stuck on "Searching for players" for a little bit then, as usual, "Lost connection to Xbox Live". Dunno why I was continuing to try at this point, but I really just wanted to get into one match, so I tried again, this time it saved my progress in my hideout, so I quickly started searching for a match, after 4 minutes it actually found a match! I was pretty suprised it was actually working, I think it must've been 3-4 seconds into the match that I was immediately spawn killed by someone behind me. After I returned to hideout "Lost connection to Xbox Live". Tried again, and basically the exact same thing happened, I got into a match, I noticed immediately that it spawned me in the exact same spot it spawned me in last time, so I looked behind me but there wasn't anyone there this time, I saw that I spawned next to a house, so I walked into the house and 2 seconds later a guy came strolling in and I died after we shot at each other apparently missing for about 20 seconds... It looked like I was hitting him but apparently not? lol... after playing COD Blackout and then seeing the gunplay in this.... wow... never thought I'd say it but looks like I'm buying COD. Anyway, during the next search for a match "Lost connection to Xbox Live". At this point I decided it's time to give up, my Free Trial only has under 60 minutes of the 2 hour Free Trial remaining and realistically, I've only had about 3 minutes of actual gameplay (if that). This free Trial has been nothing but a headache and a waste of time, thank goodness I haven't spent any money. I understand that this is a Game Preview, but it's a really bad one if I'm honest - I thought the PUBG Game Preview was bad, nope, this takes the cake. Gonna give Day Z a try instead I guess.