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Everything posted by brainboy

  1. Hello I wrote a script to destroy an AI with animation The problem is that when I'm close to the enemy and animation is played, the enemy does not take damage Can you please help me? private _rifle = primaryWeapon player; private _pistol = handgunWeapon player; private _weapon = currentWeapon player; private _anim = "Acts_Executioner_Forehand"; private _animspeed = 1.7; private _recoverspeed = 0.7; if (_weapon == _rifle) then { _anim = "Acts_Miller_Knockout"; _animspeed = 1; _recoverspeed = 1.3; }; player setAnimSpeedCoef 2; [player, _anim] remoteExec ["playMove", 0]; sleep _animspeed; //{_x setdamage 1}foreach (playableUnits + switchableUnits); {_x setdamage 1}foreach (switchableUnits); _sound = format [" ", (floor random + 1]; playSound3D [_sound, player, false, getPosASL player, 3, 1, 30]; sleep _recoverspeed; player setAnimSpeedCoef 1; [player, ""] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0];
  2. brainboy

    Melee animation to kill

    Yes, I used this script, but the sound does not broadcast when the enemy is killed, but when the action happens I'm looking for a script that sounds when the enemy is killed
  3. Remote Control v1.0 by Saeed ( brainboy ) Description: This mod adds remote lock/unlock ability to ArmA 3 vehicles. It is more of an Admin tool than a role-play option. Features: - Remote lock/unlock vehicles via Remote Control Object (Toolkit) - Limit access to the locked vehicles’ inventory - Play sound and blink lights upon each use - Works for initial mission vehicles and spawned ones How to use: First off, put “initplayerlocal.sqf” (included in main mod’s directory) inside your mission folder. Now you need to have Remote Control Object (RCO = Toolkit) equipped or in your inventory or really close to the target vehicle on the ground. Then you need to point toward the vehicle at a decent distance. After that, you should be able to see Lock/Unlock in your scroll menu list. It is possible to use while you are inside vehicles too. Requirement: Community base addon (CBA_A3) Change log: V1.0 – Initial release Licensing: You are free to use this addon but not allowed to edit its contents without my permission. Thanks to: BIS Forum members: GEORGE FLOROS GR, Pierremgi, Maff, Masnooper, Jihad Mughniyah Steam Workshop Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1680028184
  4. brainboy

    Melee animation to kill

    private _rifle = primaryWeapon player; private _pistol = handgunWeapon player; private _weapon = currentWeapon player; private _anim = "Acts_Miller_Knockout"; private _animspeed = 1.7; private _recoverspeed = 0.7; _target = cursorObject; if (_weapon == _weapon) then { _anim = "Acts_Miller_Knockout"; _animspeed = 1; _recoverspeed = 1.3; }; player setAnimSpeedCoef 2; [player, _anim] remoteExec ["playMove", 0]; sleep _animspeed; if ((player distance _target <= 1.5) and (alive _target) and (_target iskindof "MAN")) then { //_target disableAI "MOVE"; //_target disableAI "ANIM"; //_target setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _target setDamage 1; }; //_target say3D ""; //_sound = format ["", (floor random 8) + 1]; //playSound3D [_sound, player, false, getPosASL player, 3, 1, 30]; //[_target, ""] remoteExec ["say3D"]; sleep _recoverspeed; player setAnimSpeedCoef 1; [player, ""] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0]; Finally, with your advice my problem is solved. The only thing left is I want to play a sound when the target is killed. I do not know how to write the script. Can you help me?
  5. brainboy

    Melee animation to kill

    yes i use playableUnits or switchableUnits dosent work but idont know how to use can you Write me?
  6. Hello I made a mod and I posted on the workshop, but in the visibility setting I can't find "Public" option. BTW I haven't spend money on my Steam Wallet yet so I'm not allowed to add friends. What should I do?
  7. brainboy

    Mod publishing problem

    yes i think so
  8. brainboy

    Remote Control

    thanks load this mod in your server and client put initplayerlocal in your missions and end
  9. Hello. I'm trying to create a remote control to lock/unlock vehicles is Arma3. By far, I've written a script which allows to interact with all locks. I'm intending to make an object (with specific class name) the requirement for that. Like a car-shop owner who has the key for every vehicles. Can anyone help me complete my script or suggest anything better to make me do it? this addAction [(if ((locked this < 2)) then {"Lock"} else {"Unlock"}), {if ((locked (_this select 0) < 2)) then {(_this select 0) lock 2; (_this select 0) setUserActionText [(_this select 2), "Unlock"];} else {(_this select 0) lock 0; (_this select 0) setUserActionText [(_this select 2), "Lock"];};}];
  10. As far as I know only you are just part of the script to help you and the entire script idea it was for me and others in this script help if the tag set is right, therefore, not without coordination with me tag yourself So let because this script idea from me, and with my permission would be done except myself this script on the page has to be open to the public but here merely to fix the script were not you simply ideas I picked up and Make your own page and put it in your name and give you a tag. I'm really sorry for you, with all this experience in the code. But you do not know what copyright is If you were going to make this idea yourself, you would have done it and you could have done it to the public, but you have no right to do this without the consent of me, and it's really embarrassing for the other friends who help in this script. And I will follow this up through the admins so that you know what copyright is.
  11. GF thats your tag in the scrip that also Maff and PierreMGI has worked on the scrip and my ideas
  12. Also, in the previous text, if you understand that I thanked and appreciate any of your friends, but unfortunately you have not even mentioned this page on your page, but changed the script completely and put it in your tag. To be the ones who help make this script work, and so on yourself
  13. No, do not make this mistake. In previous conversations, I said that friends helped me so I could write this script. After all, it's clear who helped to register on this site and on the site itself, but you did all the trouble Copy and put them on your page that I do not think is right. At least you who are worried about the names of the people who worked hard wrote on your page what people were helping and who was Ideas. But you do not even mention the names of the people you wrote yourself that, as you said yourself, it's a script written on your own page, I'm not the one I'm worried about. Do not forget these people's thoughts and do not think. All of this script is written by you.
  14. for example: { [_x, "LOCKED"] remoteExec ["setVehicleLock"]; _x setVariable ["Var_GF_Access_Inventory",true]; _x setVariable ["disable AllAction_crate",false]; [ if (locked _x < 2) then {"unlock"} else {"lock"}, { params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; if (locked _target < 2) then { _target setVariable ["Var_GF_Access_Inventory",true]; _target setVariable ["disableAllAction_Crate",true]; [_target,2] remoteExec ["lock",_target]; [_target, "carlock"] remoteExec ["say3D"]; _target setUserActionText [_actionId, "unlock"]; [_target,true] remoteExec ["setPilotLight",_target]; [_target,true] remoteExec ["engineOn",_target]; sleep 0.5; [_target,false] remoteExec ["setPilotLight",_target]; } else { _target setVariable ["Var_GF_Access_Inventory",false]; _target setVariable ["disableAllAction_Crate",false]; [_target,0] remoteExec ["lock",_target]; [_target, "carunlock"] remoteExec ["say3D"]; _target setUserActionText [_actionId, "lock"]; [_target,true] remoteExec ["setPilotLight",_target]; [_target,false] remoteExec ["engineOn",_target]; sleep 0.5; [_target,false] remoteExec ["setPilotLight",_target]; } }, [], 2, true, true, "", "('ToolKit' in items _this) or (if ( count ( ( _target nearObjects 7 ) select { ( getItemCargo _x select 0 select 0 ) find 'ToolKit' >= 0 } ) > 0 ) then { true } else { false })" ]; }forEach vehicles; Does this work to when i lock the car crate disable and when i unlock the car crate enable?
  15. yes you right and this scrip lock the inventory but when open my inventory near the car the crate in open and in can move item from the inventory car My question is that I can easily disable the script in the script in the way I wrote it, or I just have to go through the method that our good friend said in the previous text. disableAllActions _crate;
  16. Yes, I'm writing a script that can be used to lock the car and disable the inventory and unlock the car and enable the inventory eventually turn it all into mod.
  17. Thank you very much for the guidance you gave and the line you wrote that caused the inventory to open and close, but there is a problem. When inventory is closed if you open your inventory and open it in near the car, you can pick item in inventory car from crate I need when inventory not working No one can move things inside the inventory car
  18. how can i chang this scrip to mod for use in dedicated server?
  19. can you writte for me idont know how it work